I want an enumerate list be repeated in a different order (for example, a list of two statements and later a list of two proofs: first the second statement proof and then the first statement proof). I expected that the following code would do this, but in some reason it just produces a regular list with "0" strings.

Please help to find and correct my error.





  \item \label{a} a
  \item \label{b} b


  \item[\ref{b}] proof of b
  \item[\ref{a}] proof of a


The desired output is:

Two lists

Optionally, I want the second list labels to be hyperlinks to first list labels.

  • Not sure exactly what the desired output is, but I think you need to define a macro for each of the cases. \ref is used to provide a reference (clickable if hyperref is used) -- it does NOT duplicate the content (assuming that is what you are after). Jun 6, 2015 at 22:27
  • @PeterGrill The first list is correct in the output. The second list should be like the first list, but with second item before the first (1 and 2 reversed).
    – porton
    Jun 6, 2015 at 22:28
  • @PeterGrill I don't need to duplicate the content, just to duplicate a list labels in possibly different order
    – porton
    Jun 6, 2015 at 22:29
  • Instead of describing it, can you post an image of exactly what the desired output should be. Jun 6, 2015 at 22:32
  • @PeterGrill I've added an image with desired output to the question
    – porton
    Jun 6, 2015 at 22:38

1 Answer 1


Here is an adaptation of Optional argument to \item to appear in brackets after the counter for your case:

enter image description here










  \item \label{a} a
  \item \label{b} b


  \item[\ref{b}] proof of b
  \item[\ref{a}] proof of a

  • Thanks, but (out of pure curiosity) why my code did not work?
    – porton
    Jun 6, 2015 at 23:41
  • @porton: Part of it has to with the \LetLtxMacro as per the link in the question, but not sure I can explain it fully. I only know how to get things to work by referencing previous solutions. My rep is very misleading. :-) Jun 6, 2015 at 23:59

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