This question is related to this answer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/69525/13552.

The documentation for enumitem (on page 7 in Version 3.5.2 2011-09-28) says that

nextline: if the label does not fit in the margin, the text continues in the next line, otherwise it is placed in a box of width \leftmargin − \labelsep, i.e., the item body never sticks into the left margin. Sets labelwidth=!.

My goal would be to get all text to continue onto the next line regardless of the label's width.


%\setlist[description]{style=nextline} % Optional Global Setup

\begin{description}[style=nextline] % Local Setup
  \item [Green] The color green.
  \item [Red] The color red.
  \item [Yellow] The color yellow.
  • I'm confused. Isn't that what happens in your example code? Aug 20, 2015 at 16:07
  • @GonzaloMedina True. I need to find a way to replicate a scenario where the label DOES fit into the margin at least once in a minimal example. Nonetheless, the issue is still there. Aug 20, 2015 at 16:28
  • If you change \item [Green] The color green. to \item [G] The color g. in your example code. one can see the effect you want to avoid. Aug 20, 2015 at 18:42

1 Answer 1


Set leftmargin to 0pt so nothing can fit there and the new line is forced:

%\setlist[description]{style=nextline,leftmargin=0pt} % Optional Global Setup

\begin{description}[style=nextline,leftmargin=0pt] % Local Setup
  \item [Green] The color green.
  \item [Red] The color red.
  \item [Yellow] The color yellow.

enter image description here

Another option, allowing you to have indentation for the description texts is to set labelwidth to 0pt (with style=nextline this always forces a new line), and then control other lengths such as leftmargin and itemindent:

\setlist[description]{style=nextline,labelwidth=0pt,leftmargin=30pt,itemindent=\dimexpr-20pt-\labelsep\relax} % Optional Global Setup

Some test text
\begin{description}[style=nextline,labelwidth=0pt,leftmargin=30pt,itemindent=\dimexpr-20pt-\labelsep\relax] % Local Setup
  \item[Green]The color green.
  \item[Red] The color red.
  \item[Yellow] The color yellow.

enter image description here

  • Thanks. Actually I thought about that, but it is not aesthetically pleasing. +1 for working solution though! Maybe I will end up going for this option if I cannot find a better solution. Aug 20, 2015 at 17:17
  • @macmadness86 What would you consider an "aesthetically pleasing" solution? Please explain clearly what you want to achieve. Aug 20, 2015 at 17:26
  • Exactly the same indentation as the default description list with style=nextline enabled. More importantly, I think the ability to control indentation is important and should not be sacrificed. Aug 20, 2015 at 17:37
  • @macmadness86 I see your point. Please see my updated answer. Aug 20, 2015 at 18:34

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