I am using

\foreach \x in{0,...,4}
{   \draw (0,\x ,4) -- (4,\x ,4);
    \draw (\x ,0,4) -- (\x ,4,4);
    \draw (4,\x ,4) -- (4,\x ,0);
    \draw (\x ,4,4) -- (\x ,4,0);
    \draw (4,0,\x ) -- (4,4,\x );
    \draw (0,4,\x ) -- (4,4,\x );


enter image description here

to create cubes. However I would like to numerate the cells inside the cube. Any idea how I could do it?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


With a simple foreach-loop. The only tricky thing is to define the vertical cells in reversed order (2-\y) so that maths can do its magic to number the cells.




\foreach \x in{0,...,4}
{   \draw (0,\x ,4) -- (4,\x ,4); %horizontal front
    \draw (\x ,0,4) -- (\x ,4,4); %vertical front
    \draw (4,\x ,4) -- (4,\x ,0);
    \draw (\x ,4,4) -- (\x ,4,0);
    \draw (4,0,\x ) -- (4,4,\x );
    \draw (0,4,\x ) -- (4,4,\x );

\foreach \x in{0,...,3}{    
    \foreach \y in{0,...,3}{
        \node[] at (\x-1,2-\y) {\pgfmathprint{int(\x+4*\y)}};


enter image description here

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