In following Tex script right braces aren't looked.

    \hskip -\arraycolsep
    \array{*\c@MaxMatrixCols c}}
        \node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}
max\left\{(a_{11}+x_1) & {},{} & max(a_{12}+x_1) &{},{} & \cdots & {},{} & max(a_{1n}+x_n)\right\} & {}\mathrel{=}{} & b_1 \\
max\left\{(a_{21}x_1) & , & max(a_{22}x_2) & , & \cdots & , & max(a_{2n}x_n)\right\} & = & b_2 \\
\vdots    &   & \vdots    &   &        &   & \vdots    &   & \vdots \\
max\left\{(a_{m1}x_1) & , & max(a_{m2}x_2) & , & \cdots & , & max(a_{mn}x_n)\right\} & = & b_m \\
  • 2
    You can't have \left and \right straddling different alignment cells.
    – egreg
    Dec 22, 2016 at 11:45

1 Answer 1


Just remove \left and \right

max\{(a_{11}+x_1) & {},{} & max(a_{12}+x_1) &{},{} & \cdots & {},{} & max(a_{1n}+x_n)\} & {}\mathrel{=}{} & b_1 \\
max\{(a_{21}x_1) & , & max(a_{22}x_2) & , & \cdots & , & max(a_{2n}x_n)\} & = & b_2 \\
\vdots    &   & \vdots    &   &        &   & \vdots    &   & \vdots \\
max\{(a_{m1}x_1) & , & max(a_{m2}x_2) & , & \cdots & , & max(a_{mn}x_n)\} & = & b_m \\

If you want to grow up your brackets jyou can use \big, \bigg, \Big, etc.


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