I would like \a to generate a random non-zero integer between, say, -5 and 5 inclusively.

One way to do this would be to make a list of all integers from -5 to 5 but excluding zero, then drawing randomly from that list. This is OK, but would not scale very well if I wanted \a to be a non-zero integer between, say, -500 and 500.

Is there an easier adjustment to make to the following code to specifically exclude the possibility of \a=0?







  • 2
    It is best not to use \a which is a core latex command. Jan 4, 2017 at 19:50
  • Very good to know! When I became a professor, I'll use random numbers to make students exams!
    – Red Banana
    Jan 5, 2017 at 11:36

5 Answers 5


Choose a random number between 1 and X (thereby avoiding 0) and multiply it with 1 or -1 based on a uniform distribution (thereby obtaining a sign):

enter image description here



  \pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{int(ifthenelse(rand > 0, 1, -1)*random(1,5))}%


\foreach \x in {1,...,100}{\InitVariables$\a$ }

  • The hack seems amazingly simple in concept. I don't quite understand the syntax of the ifthenelse part. How did that work? Jan 10, 2017 at 4:59
  • @WeCanLearnAnything: ifthenelse(<test>,<true>,<false>). So we randomly multiply a random number between 1 and 5 - random(1,5) by +1 or -1.
    – Werner
    Jan 10, 2017 at 5:02
  • what is rand? Is that some kind of command already built in? Jan 10, 2017 at 5:29
  • @WeCanLearnAnything: Yes. It returns a number between -1 and 1 with uniform distribution. See section 89.3.6 Pseudo-random functions (p 935) of the pgf [documentation](mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf).
    – Werner
    Jan 10, 2017 at 5:35

The first calculation only chooses the number of random values that are needed. The inclusive range [-5, 5] without 0 has 10 values.

\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{random(0,9)-5}% range [-5, 4]

Then the negative values are in the correct range. The non-negative values are increased by one to move the range [0, 4] to [1, 5].

\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{int(ifthenelse(\a<0, \a, \a + 1)}%

Full example:


  \pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{int(ifthenelse(\a<0, \a, \a + 1)}%


\foreach \i in {0, ..., 200} {%



Version with the minimum and maximum values as macros:




     \RandomMinimum + random(0, int(\RandomMaximum - int(\RandomMinimum)))
  \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\a}{ifthenelse(\a<0, \a, \a + 1}%


\foreach \i in {0, ..., 200} {%




Generate a number between 0 and 2​x –1, then normalize it: if it is less than x, subtract x, otherwise subtract x and add 1.






enter image description here

The same can of course be done with PGF features.

With xparse and expl3; also an interface to expandably get the number in the required interval. Here I use a different strategy: the random number is generated in the interval –x, x –1; if it's positive, I add 1.


  \wcla_random_def:Nn #1 { #2 }
  \wcla_random_get:n { #1 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \wcla_random_def:Nn
  \cs_set:Npx #1 { \wcla_random_get:n { #2 } }
\cs_new:Nn \wcla_random_get:n
  \__wcla_random_get:f { \fp_eval:n { randint(-#1,#1-1) } }
\cs_new:Nn \__wcla_random_get:n
  \int_compare:nTF { #1 < 0 } { #1 } { \fp_eval:n { #1+1 } }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__wcla_random_get:n { f }



$\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$,
$\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$,
$\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$,
$\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$, $\randomget{5}$


enter image description here


(Don't use \a as the macro name since, as David Carlisle has noted in a comment, \a is the name of a core LaTeX command.)

For good measure, here's a LuaLaTeX-based solution. It sets up a Lua function named randnzint (short for "random non-zero integer", I suppose) that does the actual work, a LaTeX helper macro that makes it straightforward to call the Lua function, and a handful of demos of how to use the Lua function and the LaTeX helper macro.

The Lua function calculates its output by multiplying a randomly drawn integer between 1 and n with a randomly drawn 'dummy' variable that's equal to either 1 or -1.

enter image description here

% !TeX program = lualatex

function randnzint ( n )
  return ( math.random(n) * (math.random(2)-1.5)*2 )
% LaTeX macro that calls the Lua function with an integer arg.
\newcommand\randnzint[1]{\directlua{tex.sprint( '$' .. randnzint(#1) .. '$')}}

% directlua call to Lua function 'randnzint'

% invoke LaTeX helper macro '\randnzint' with various arguments
\randnzint{10} \randnzint{100} \randnzint{1000}

% generate 50 pretty-printed numbers between -5 and 5 (excl. 0)
\directlua{for i=1,50 do 
              tex.sprint('$'..randnzint(5)..'$ ') 

Perhaps a recursive definition of \InitVariables?




\foreach \x in {1,...,100}{\InitVariables\a}


With 1000 runs of the loop, and a ! added. No zeros around:

enter image description here

  • This looks good! Is there a reasonably easy way for me to understand what \typeout{\a} means? I don't think I've ever heard of that command before... and Google searching it led to some explanations that were over my head. Jan 4, 2017 at 19:03
  • @WeCanLearnAnything I think it just writes its argument to the .log file. So it's irrelevant really, just meant to demonstrate that zeros occur, but are discarded. Jan 4, 2017 at 19:05

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