Is it possible to have a line have different number of markers as below? If we put '&&' after 'abcdefghij', C,F,J would be all shifted right.

A & B && C \\  
D & E && F \\  
G & **abcdefghij** \\  
H & I && J \\  
  • Welcome to TeX SX! What's the point of having alignment point in an equation with a single line? There's nothing to align.
    – Bernard
    Nov 21, 2017 at 1:35

1 Answer 1


Aren't trying to achieve something like this?



A & B &\hspace{3em}& C \\
D & E && F \\
G & \mathrlap{abcdefghij}\\
H & I && J


enter image description here

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