I am writing my PhD Thesis, which has several chapters. I want to create different nomenclatures for each chapter like this: Chapter 3 Nomenclature of Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Nomenclature of Chapter 4 ... I tried to put all the \nomenclature{..}{..} and \printnomenclature in each chapter, but it displays all my variables from my thesis, instead of only of the specific chapter.

How can I print only the variables I want for the chapter?

  • nomencl does not support multiple files. All \nomenclature usages enter the regular file and are stored 'globally', so you see the whole nine yards with `\printnomenclature. There might be a trick, however, by changing the file handle that is used. Please provide a compilable document that shows your issue (I don't want to setup such file for myself)
    – user31729
    Mar 31, 2018 at 14:39
  • Looking into the glossaries package (both the package documentation and related questions here) might be useful, if changing packages is acceptable for you.
    – Troy
    Mar 31, 2018 at 19:03


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