I would like to create a .bib entry for a chapter written by one person (Ronny Vollandt) as part of someone else's single-author book (Ahmad Al-Jallad's The Damascus Psalm Fragment, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019), using a crossref to that book.

(I know about incollection, which I use regularly for contributions to edited volumes; but those books have an editor rather than an author.)

I would like the note output to be something like this:

Ronny Vollandt, "Beyond Arabic in Greek letters," in The Damascus Psalm Fragment by Ahmad Al-Jallad (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019).

1 Answer 1


Oops, I just realized the answer to my own question, which I will record in case it is useful to anyone else:

The solution is to use inbook rather than incollection.

  author     = {Ronny Vollandt},
  title      = {Beyond {Arabic} in {Greek} letters},
  booktitle  = {The {Damascus} Psalm Fragment},
  bookauthor = {Ahmad Al-Jallad},
  location   = {Chicago},
  publisher  = {University of Chicago Press},
  date       = {2019},

This produces the output

Ronny Vollandt, "Beyond Arabic in Greek letters," in The Damascus Psalm Fragment, by Ahmad Al-Jallad (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019).

which is identical to what I asked for except with a comma after the book's title (which is probably what Chicago style requires anyway).

  • 1
    I added a usable example entry. Usually one would also give the chapter or pages information. I could not find the book on the UCP webpage and only found a version on Academia.edu which suggests chapter = {Appendix 1}, might be useful.
    – moewe
    Feb 4, 2019 at 11:51
  • Thank you, that certainly improves the answer. I tested out chapter = {appendix 1} but found that it outputs "...chap. appendix 1 in..." Is there some macro one can use in the chapter field to prevent biblatex-chicago from adding "chap." when an alternative chapter name (here "appendix") is given? Feb 4, 2019 at 15:07
  • 1
    Ugh, I didn't see the 'chap.' in 'chap. appendix', sorry. With the standard styles one could say \DeclareFieldFormat{chapter}{\ifnumeral{#1}{\bibstring{chapter}~}{}#1}. Haven't tested that with biblatex-chicago yet. If it doesn't work you could ask a new question about that ;-)
    – moewe
    Feb 4, 2019 at 15:10
  • That did the trick -- thanks! (I also tested it on a bib entry that had just a numeral in chapter, and that worked as expected: "chap. 24".) Feb 4, 2019 at 15:54

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