First of all, I have looked at every other misplaced \omit... error question about tables I have found on this site and none of them quite relate to my situation. This is the closest I could find, but it does not quite fit my application the solution relates to using \tabularnewline vs \\ in cells which I am not using.

I am attempting to make a table which looks almost like this:

enter image description here

The above example was generated from the following.


\multicolumn{1}{|m{1in}|}{\textbf{Caption}} & cell of muliline text to wrap & cell of muliline text to wrap \\ \cline{1-2}
\multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{cell of muliline text to wrap} & \multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{\textbf{Caption}} & cell of muliline text to wrap \\ \cline{2-3} 
cell of muliline text to wrap & \multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{cell of muliline text to wrap} & \multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{\textbf{Caption}} \\ \cline{3-3} 

However, I would like the columns to be centered instead of justified. I would normally do this by replacing all instances of m{1in} with >{\centering}m{1in}. But when I do this I get the following error.

! misplaced \omit.\@cline #1-#2\@nil -> ...

How do I reproduce the above table format but with centered columns?

  • 2
    Use >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{1in} in the last column, or end every row with \tabularnewline instead of \\ . Mar 30, 2019 at 21:19

1 Answer 1


\multicolumn{1}{|m{1in}|}{\textbf{Caption}} & cell of muliline text to wrap & cell of muliline text to wrap \\ \cline{1-2}
\multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{cell of muliline text to wrap} & \multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{\textbf{Caption}} & cell of muliline text to wrap \\ \cline{2-3} 
cell of muliline text to wrap & \multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{cell of muliline text to wrap} & \multicolumn{1}{m{1in}|}{\textbf{Caption}} \\ \cline{3-3} 

within the scope of \centering, \\ is redefined to make a centred forced line break, so no longer has its "end table row" definition. You can either use \arraybackslash to re-assert the table definition of \\ or you could use \tabularnewline instead of \\ which is a longer form provided that always refers to the end of table row.

  • Ah thanks. I was misinterpreting your answer to the linked question.
    – PGmath
    Mar 30, 2019 at 21:54

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