So I'am writting paper in czech language in latex and every time I write Pseudocode - it shows Algorithm (in english)

Is there a way to rewrite pseudocode name from 'algorithm' to 'algoritmus'?


\State náhodný výběr \textit{$i$}, pro \textit{$i \in V$}
\While {navštíveno $\neq \textit{\{$1, \dots, n$\}}$}
\State $j: = $ arming \textit{\{$v_i_j$ | $j$ \notin navštíveno\}}

\State navštíveno: = navštíveno \textit{$\cup$}  \textit{\{$ j$\}}
\State \textit{$i: = j$}
  • Your code is not compilable.
    – Bernard
    Apr 14, 2019 at 16:36

2 Answers 2


Adding these lines in the preamble works:


There are some strange things in your code, like double index and \textit{$<math stuff>}. (You should not change the font of the text to try to change the math font). I have changed to what I assume you want to have. To change the name of Algorithm can be done by redefining \ALG@name (which is probably a duplicate).

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  % To have strange letters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}.    % 


\State náhodný výběr $i$, pro $i \in V$
\While {navštíveno $\neq \{$1, \dots, n$\}$}
\State $j: = $ arming $\{v_{ij} | j \notin \text{navštíveno}\}$
\State navštíveno: = navštíveno $\cup \{j\}$
\State $i: = j$
In Algoritmus~\ref{alg:Nice} bla bla bla


enter image description here

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