I do have to create some floating boxes containing various informations, some text, figures... I need to refer it sometimes using the document in the whole, sometimes I need to be more specific and refer only to a figure or a subfigure.

An exemple:


\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[name=Doc.,listname={Liste des documents}]{docuflottant}


 Figure 1
 \caption{Figure 1}

\begin{docu}{An interesting doc}
   Figure 2a
   \caption{\label{fig2a}Figure 2a}
   Figure 2b
   \caption{\label{fig2b}Figure 2b}
 \captionof{figure}{figure 2a et 2b}

I would like a reference to 'Figure 2a' to be figure~2a, and it is figure~\ref{fig2a}\dots


which gives: MWE compiled

I understand that 1a is for document 1, subfigure a, but I would like to have the subfigure condidered as a subfloat of a the figure, not the document.

How to do that? Thanks for reading, and for any usefull help!

  • I believe the caption package modifies the figure environment to handle the figure counter and hyperref target at the top of the figure rather than in \caption. Not so with a minipage. Dec 22, 2020 at 14:36

1 Answer 1


You could use \captionsetup{type=figure} inside of your minipage that contains the two subfigures. Instead of \captionof{figure}, you can then use \caption, resulting in the following output:

enter image description here


\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[name=Doc.,listname={Liste des documents}]{docuflottant}


 Figure 1
 \caption{Figure 1}

\begin{docu}{An interesting doc}
   Figure 2a
   \caption{\label{fig2a}Figure 2a}
   Figure 2b
   \caption{\label{fig2b}Figure 2b}
 \caption{figure 2a et 2b}\label{fig:documentfigure}

I would like a reference to 'Figure 2a' to be figure~2a, and it is figure~\ref{fig2a}\dots

  • Thank you! I used it to create a new environnement with \newenvironment{NFfigure}{% non-floatting figure \begin{minipage}{\columnwidth} \captionsetup{type=figure} }{ \end{minipage} } which works smoothly within my full work. Dec 22, 2020 at 17:04

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