I'm trying to get my bottom margin to be smaller in a one-page document. I've tried using geometry, but even if I use




I still have a huge gap (at least an inch) at the bottom of the page. How do I get this space back so more text can fit on one page?

  • 1
    How come this minimal document proves you wrong? See this output showing 2 pages, the first of which has text going right to the bottom. Can you provide some evidence in the form of a minimal document that replicates your issue?
    – Werner
    Jul 28, 2021 at 21:02
  • have you specified the right page size for your physical page (a4paper or usletter) Jul 28, 2021 at 21:42

1 Answer 1


I don't think that setting the bottom option to a negative length is a good idea. Rather, I'd set bottom=1mm (or some other very small positive length), while also specifying the noheadfoot option and setting \pagestyle{empty}.

enter image description here

The rectangle around the textblock is drawn because the showframe option is set.

\lipsum[1-14] % plenty of filler text

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