I am attempting to draw the dimension of a line segment for my tkz-euclide drawing while in tabular environment. For some reason this results in an error. It should be noted, that I do not have any problems with including tkz-euclide drawings in tabular environment. The error arises only when the dim parameter is used.

Here is a minimal example that results in an error:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}

            % Excluding the following line removes the error
            \tkzDrawSegment[dim={$5\mathrm m$, 12pt,}](A,B)

However, the same tikz drawing works while outside of the tabular environment. For example, the following code works without any issues:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}

        \tkzDrawSegment[dim={$5\mathrm m$, 12pt,}](A,B)

Apart from the tabular environment I have also tried tabu and tabularx – the error still persists.

What could have caused this error, and how I could circumnavigate it? Ideally, I would like to continue working with tkz-euclide rather than defining my own 'dim' equivalent, but any solution is welcome!


  • 3
    don't use the tabu package. It is broken and unmaintained. Aug 7, 2021 at 13:50
  • @UlrikeFischer Thanks, I will try to look for alternatives! However, the issue still persists when using tabular or tabularx instead.
    – Spuu
    Aug 7, 2021 at 13:54

1 Answer 1


What could have caused this error? Well, some interference of tkz-euclide with tabular, probably not worth to investigate (except if you are the maintainer of tkz-euclide).

How to circumvent the problem? I found that in most cases of such interferences, the following method works:

  1. Define a \newsavebox, e.g. \newsavebox\mydrawing

  2. Use \savebox to typeset the contents interfering with the outer environment into this box, e.g.,

  3. Use the box instead of the original contents, e.g., \usebox\mydrawing

enter image description here


  \tkzDrawSegment[dim={$5\mathrm m$, 12pt,}](A,B)

  • Genius! Thanks for that,very clever solution. I think, anyway, that Alain Matthes should take a look at this weird interference.
    – SebGlav
    Aug 7, 2021 at 16:43

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