My goal is to write a pstricks macro that will draw resistors with their corresponding color band, c.f. Wikipedia. My idea is to define a command psResistor that works like this one: \psResistor(0,0){3,4,5,6} placing the resistor in the origin with colors 3 (orange), 4 (yellow), and 5 (green) and with a little wider distance 6 (blue).

enter image description here

So first I define the colors with \definecolor. My question to this bit is where it will be best to put those definitions. I don't necessarily want them available elsewhere.

I then define a PSTricks object psResistor that will handle optional arguments, and then passes the colors to \psResistor@iii. Now that's the actual question I have: The number of arguments may differ. If it's three, I add one band in black. It may be four, it may be five, it may be six. What I need is some sort of clever mechanism that will distribute the colors accordingly.

I have encountered a similar problem in the past with the definition of \vector, c.f. typesetting column vector I used a solution that works with additional , but maybe there is a better way here, one that will also deal with the additional space to the last color band.

There is a similar question on color band resistors for Tikz, but not for automatic colors here: Draw resistor with band color code

Here is what I have so far:



 \definecolor{0}{RGB}{50 50 50}
 \definecolor{8}{RGB}{115 115 115}
 \definecolor{-1}{RGB}{200 200 200}
 \definecolor{-2}{RGB}{212 175 55}

    \psframe[% draw frame of the resistor:
    \psResistor@iii(#2)% add the colored lines
  }% end rput.
}% end psResistor@ii.
 \psline[linewidth=5pt,linecolor=#3]( .1,-.5)( .1,.5)
 \psline[linewidth=5pt,linecolor=black]( .7,-.5)( .7,.5)
}% end \psResistor@iii.



2 Answers 2


Use an optional argument which can be easily extended to a flexible number of colors.



 \definecolor{0}{RGB}{50 50 50}
 \definecolor{8}{RGB}{115 115 115}
 \definecolor{-1}{RGB}{200 200 200}
 \definecolor{-2}{RGB}{212 175 55}

\psset{ResistorCol={}}%   no color lines

    \psframe[% draw frame of the resistor:
      \psline[linewidth=5pt,linecolor=\psResistorColC]( .1,-.5)( .1,.5)
      \psline[linewidth=5pt,linecolor=black]( .7,-.5)( .7,.5)
  }% end rput.
}% end psResistor@ii.



enter image description here


In this answer I am going to elaborate on Herbert's solution using the pst-circ package. Going further I implement a solution that accepts different numbers of color bands (3-6) and it will also distribute the colors evenly: the color bands are at different positions depending on the overall number of bands, and the spacing changes.


% Definition of the colors
\definecolor{0}{RGB}{45 45 45}%
\definecolor{8}{RGB}{125 125 125}%
\definecolor{-2}{RGB}{200 200 200}%
\definecolor{-1}{RGB}{212 175 55}%

\def\pst@setRcolor#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7!!{% #7 will gobble all ',' !
  \def\psResistorColA{#1}% Band A
  \def\psResistorColB{#2}% Band B
  \def\psResistorColC{#3}% Band C
  \def\psResistorColD{#4}% Band D
  \def\psResistorColE{#5}% Band E
  \def\psResistorColF{#6}}%Band F and end \def setRcolor.

  % draw the resistor:
  (.5,.3)(.35,.3)(.31,.27)(.27,.24)% upper right corner.
  (-.27,.24)(-.31,.27)(-.35,.3)(-.5,.3)% upper left.
  (-.5,-.3)(-.35,-.3)(-.31,-.27)(-.27,-.24)% lower left.
  (.27,-.24)(.31,-.27)(.35,-.3)(.5,-.3)% lower right.
    % just three present:
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColB]( .07,0)
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColC]( .27,0)}% end rput.
  \else% four present
   % \rput(.1,0){
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColC]( .07,0)
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColD]( .27,0)%}% end rput.
  \else% five present:
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColC]( .07,0)
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColD]( .27,0)
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColE]( .42,0)}% end rput.
  \else% six present:
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColD]( .07,0)
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColE]( .27,0)
    \psdot[linecolor=\psResistorColF]( .42,0)
  % Re-draw the line around the shape (copy paste):
  (.5,.3)(.35,.3)(.31,.27)(.27,.24)% upper right corner.
  (-.27,.24)(-.31,.27)(-.35,.3)(-.5,.3)% upper left.
  (-.5,-.3)(-.35,-.3)(-.31,-.27)(-.27,-.24)% lower left.
  (.27,-.24)(.31,-.27)(.35,-.3)(.5,-.3)% lower right.
  % node connections (c.f. pst-circ):
}% end definition of \pst@draw@psResistor.


I realize this code could easily be improved upon, please feel free to do so. Some examples using the code are the following:


resistors one and two

resistors three and four

Please note that there is no implementation of the technical restrictions. For example the first band can be set to silver (-2), but this will not be a color encoding of a valid resistor.

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