I'd like to typeset a set of exercises from a book, from different chapters and sections, and give the solutions. I'm aware of packages like xsim or exercise, but I have not found a way to change manually the enumeration of the exercises. Here is an MWE illustrating what I'd like to do:



\newcommand{\exer}[1]{\textbf{Exercise #1}}


    \item[Exercise 1.2.1] Statement
    \item[Exercise 1.2.3] Statement
    \item[Exercise 1.2.7] Statement
    \item[Exercise 3.5.2] Statement
    \item[Exercise 3.5.3] Statement


How can I achieve this with any package intended to be used for this purpose? Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


Edit: Here's a solution very similar to the proposal in the original question using the xsim pacakge, and solves the problem of the number by substituting a custom ExerciseProperty "mynumber".


    exercise-env      = myexercise,
    solution-env      = mysolution,
    exercise-name     = \XSIMtranslate{exercise},
    exercises-name    = \XSIMtranslate{exercises},
    solution-name     = \XSIMtranslate{solution},
    solutions-name    = \XSIMtranslate{solutions},
    exercise-template = mytemplate,
    solution-template = mysoltemplate


    mysolution/print = true



Here is the solution.


My original suggestion is below, and uses a simpler set up using mainly just amsthm.

Is the issue just that you need to manually specify the exercise numbers?

Here are a couple ideas.

Create an environment with an argument which is the exercise number, have it create a custom theorem type environment. (Here you use two separate environments, one for the statement, one for the proof.)




    \newtheorem*{ex#1}{Exercise #1}



Cuz I said so.


Or to achieve the same result with a single environment where the "Statement" is the second argument, and the proof goes in the middle:




    \newtheorem*{ex#1}{Exercise #1}


Proof here.


You can specify the style further using the \newtheoremstyle command from amsthm if need be. (Feel free to ask if you need help with that.)

  • I'd like to use some exercise package if it's possible. I actually use an exercise template like the one you have posted, but I'd like to typeset the exercises with a package intended to do so. Apr 7, 2022 at 21:37
  • @SebastianMolina I've edited the answer to give a similar solution using the xsim package.
    – frabjous
    Apr 8, 2022 at 0:00

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