I have some limitation in my understanding of how to deal with tex and lua variable.

I would like to pass the result of a Tex command in order to do some computation on it. Inside the lua function, the variable is \case{2}, when I try to do and tex.sprint on it in my lualatex file, it is 4. I'm looking for a way to have 4 inside my lua function in order to make some computation on it.

This is my minimal example.

% !TeX encoding = utf-8
% !TeX program = LuaLaTeX



  compute = function(argone, argtwo)
    tex.sprint(argone, argtow)
    print("arg1", argone, "arg2", argtwo)
    return argtwo


    compute(#1, \luastringN{#2})
    % -- First compilation
    %compute(#1, #2)%
    % -- Résult ! Argument of \xs_IfStringCase_ii has an extra \}.
    % --<inserted text> 
    % -- \\par 
    % -- Second compilation
    % -- Result : arg1  2   arg2    \case {2}
    % -- I want to have the resulte of \case{2} in arg2
    Value = #1

    Case\#1 = \case{#1}

    Function = \computefn{#1}{\case{#1}}



  • 2
    xstring commands are not expandable so make this harder than it need be, are you committed to xstring? If you defined \case so \case{1} expanded to 2, it would just naturally pass 2 to Lua. Jul 27, 2022 at 8:58
  • By the way luacode package has some functionalities to allow debugging what Lua code gets executed exactly which might help to debug these things
    – user202729
    Jul 27, 2022 at 13:19

1 Answer 1


The expansion (=replacement text) passes to lua, as the comment attests.


A function in a programming language would have a return value (like in lua); in a macro language (like TeX or SAS macro), the "output" of a macro is replacement text (more code for the interpreter) and so is not typed. So macro names could be somewhat misleading in what they comport, in some contexts.





  compute = function(argone, argtwo, argthree)
    tex.sprint("arg1=", argone, "; arg2=", argtwo, "; arg3=", argthree)
    print("arg1=", argone, "; arg2=", argtwo, "; arg3=", argthree)
    return argthree


    compute(#1, "#2", #3)

    Value = #1

    Case\#1 = \case{#1}

    ``Function'' : \computefn{#1}{\\textbackslash case\\{#1\\}}{\case{#1}}




Doing a \show\IfEqCase shows that it is replaced by:

> \IfEqCase=macro:
->\xs_ifstar {\xs_IfStringCase {\IfEq *}}{\xs_IfStringCase \IfEq }

And similarly for the other macros.

What you pass to lua, and how and when, is going to depend on your actual use-case. (lua could take the inputs and do the "function", for example - there will be permutations)

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