I am trying to create 3d plots with several 2d graphs, like in Plotting several 2d functions in a 3d graph. However the end result looks like this:

Filling should be below the plot, not above!

Using \closedcycle doesn't help either, as it generates this:

Ugly line connecting last point of the last plot to the first point of the first plot

The following is a MWE for the second figure, with a reduced dataset:




q   1h  2h  3h  4h
0.01138 124.153702  119.550705  117.984253  115.065399             
0.089615    4.255316    4.356256    4.253153    4.040073       
0.129441    4.262549    3.756256    3.765975    4.120948       
0.254584    2.837865    3.107194    2.983951    2.531952    
0.298655    2.638327    2.848219    2.792608    2.729832        

    log origin z=0,
    area plot/.style={
        fill opacity=0.75,
  \addplot3 [area plot] table [x=q, y expr=#1, z=#1h] {\data} \closedcycle;



How can I get this straight?

  • Something seems to be wrong with your example data, I can't compile your MWE (Table '<inline_table>' appears to have too many colum ns in line 2: Ignoring '121.330681'). Could you fix that?
    – Jake
    Nov 29, 2012 at 20:17
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the problem is solved by an update of the package pgfplots.
    – Werner
    Jan 9, 2016 at 20:46

2 Answers 2


The issue is solved in the now released v1.13 of PGFPlots. Your example now works without any changes.

It was also added a similar example to the manual in section 4.6.3 on page 130.


I don't know if there is a bug. If there is, take this as a workaround; I added redundant points in the curves and removed the contour lines (code below).




q   1h  2h  3h  4h
0.01138 124.153702  119.550705  117.984253  115.065399             
0.089615    4.255316    4.356256    4.253153    4.040073       
0.129441    4.262549    3.756256    3.765975    4.120948       
0.254584    2.837865    3.107194    2.983951    2.531952    
0.298655    2.638327    2.848219    2.792608    2.729832 
0.298655    1       1       1       1       
0.01138     1       1       1       1
0.01138 124.153702  119.550705  117.984253  115.065399

    log origin z=0,
    area plot/.style={
        fill opacity=0.75,
  \addplot3 [fill=blue, opacity=0.5,draw=none] table [x=q, y expr=#1, z=#1h] {\data} \closedcycle;


  • I don't think this is a bug: \closedcycle in a 3D context doesn't really make sense anyway (except for this rather special case). I think your approach of adding support points is exactly right (it's what I did in my answer to the linked question as well).
    – Jake
    Nov 29, 2012 at 21:44
  • I agree. I kind of knew that using \closedcycle was a mistake form the start, since the pgfplots manual says it might not be a good idea and suggests using --cycle instead. But in my case it's even worse and leads to another version my first figure... I was kind of hoping for a more elegant solution, but I might need to just go with alfC's idea (which is fine, by the way, it does what I need and that's what matters. No offense meant ;)
    – Francisco
    Nov 29, 2012 at 21:51
  • @Jake, yes, it looks like it. The log scale is not the problem even. BTW, I couldn't figure out how to draw the contour of the 3D surface.
    – alfC
    Nov 30, 2012 at 0:00

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