Is it possible to make a 4-set venn diagram using the tikz packages, like the following one? I know it must be, but the only information I can find on the subject uses R as the language.
So, an update. I am now wondering how to best fill just the isolated fields, that is, the part only in A, the part only in B, etc. For now, I have just the part in D filled. Any suggestions? Code below:
\usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning,shapes.geometric}
% For drawing
\def\firstellip{(1.6, 0) ellipse [x radius=3cm, y radius=1.5cm, rotate=50]}
\def\secondellip{(0.3, 1cm) ellipse [x radius=3cm, y radius=1.5cm,
rotate=50]} \def\thirdellip{(-1.6, 0) ellipse [x radius=3cm, y radius=1.5cm,
rotate=-50]} \def\fourthellip{(-0.3, 1cm) ellipse [x radius=3cm, y
radius=1.5cm, rotate=-50]} \def\bounding{(-5,-3) rectangle (5,4)}
\begin{tikzpicture} \filldraw[fill=black, opacity=0.2] \bounding;
\scope \fill[white] \fourthellip; \endscope \filldraw[fill=red,
opacity=0.2] \fourthellip;
%single colors
\scope \fill[white] \secondellip; \fill[white] \thirdellip; \fill[white]
\firstellip; \endscope
\draw \firstellip node [label={[xshift=2.0cm, yshift=-0.9cm]$A$}] {};
\draw \secondellip node [label={[xshift=2.2cm, yshift=2.1cm]$B$}] {};
\draw \thirdellip node [label={[xshift=-2.0cm, yshift=-0.9cm]$C$}] {};
\draw \fourthellip node [label={[xshift=-2.2cm, yshift=2.1cm]$D$}] {};
\draw \bounding node [label=above left:$U$] {};
\end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
And displays as follows, I'm trying to get red in the four "corners". Thanks so much: