I'd like to create this Venn diagram in LaTeX (possibly with TikZ):
Could you point me in the right direction? I've seen lots of Venn diagram examples using TikZ but none with concentric circles.
I'd like to create this Venn diagram in LaTeX (possibly with TikZ):
Could you point me in the right direction? I've seen lots of Venn diagram examples using TikZ but none with concentric circles.
(0,0) rectangle (8,6) [draw]
(0.5,5.5) node {$\emptyset$}
(2.5,2) coordinate (A) node[below] {3.4} ellipse (2 and 1.5) [draw]
coordinate (temp) at (2.5,2) ellipse (0.6 and 0.6) [draw]
(temp) +(0.5,-0.75) coordinate (B) node[below left] {5.1} -- (5,3.5) -- (5.5,3.5) node[right,text width=1.5]{Environment\\contact}
(A) -- (4.5,4.5) -- (5,4.5) node[right]{Patient contact} ;
Something like this?
\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (3cm)}
\def\secondcircle{(0,0) circle (1cm)}
\colorlet{circle edge}{black!100}
\colorlet{circle area}{black!0}
\tikzset{filled/.style={fill=circle area, draw=circle edge, thick}, outline/.style={draw=circle edge, thick}}
\draw[outline] \firstcircle node {3.4};
\draw (0,0.25) -- ++(5,2.5) node [fill=white] {Patient Contact};
\draw[outline] \secondcircle node {};
\draw (0,-1.75) -- ++(5,2.5) node [fill=white] {Environment Contact};
\node at (0,-2) (nodeA) {5.1};