I'm a bit confused about how to configure TeXstudio to use biber
. It's not that I can't find a way, I'm just wondering what is the intended way, i.e. coming from WinEdt I'm used to that "Build" or "Compile" triggers a latex biber latex latex sequence
. But I had to find out that TeXstudio is apparently not configured that way by default. By default, "Build and View" triggers txs:///compile | txs:///view
, and compile
, according to the manual "calls txs:///pdflatex
that calls the actual pdflate[x]
". There is not even a toolbar button to trigger biber
. I had to look for it in the menus and set it off manually (or press F11
). This makes no sense to me, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something?
Here is what I've done: I now have changed the default compiler to trigger latex biber latex latex
(or rather: txs:///compile | txs:///bibliography | txs:///compile | txs:///compile | txs:///view
, to be precise). But then I noticed the "Repeat contained compilation commands" buttons which kinda seemed a nice idea but didnt really make sense to me, so I turned that off for the default compiler since I want to call it once before biber
and twice after biber
, which is not possible if it's set to repeat. So I'm kinda wondering if I'm just not getting the TeXstudio logic or why does it look like it does... It's so strange.
P.S. Just to clarify: this question is not really about biber
. It's just that I'm using biber
. I guess the same questions would arise using bibtex
Update: I admit that my exact question was not so clear. I guess I am trying to understand how TeXstudio runs the compilation sequence and how it can be customized, i.e. what the logic of the (advanced) configuration options is.
. The documentation has an extra part about the configuration of editors. ctan.org/pkg/araraarara
is indeed an interesting tool, but it does not solve but rather circumvents my question.