I am trying to do a birthday invitation for my daughter for her 4th birthday. Are there ready-made Latex templates available? So far I was just downloading some bitmap templates and using GIMP to fill it in, but the printed results are mediocre.
1 Answer
Well, if you want an invitation card, what about gcard
? You can combine this with Andrew Stacey's fantastic birthday cake code in How can I draw a cake using TikZ? (Here, I removed two candles to suit your case). And you get
\fill[white!80!black] (3,-.2) circle[x radius=5.05,y radius=1.66666];
\fill[white!80!black] (3,0) circle[x radius=5,y radius=1.66666];
\draw[white!75!black] (3,0) circle[x radius=5,y radius=1.66666];
\fill[white!75!black] (3,0) circle[x radius=4,y radius=1.33333];
\clip (0,0) arc[x radius=3,y radius=1,start angle=180,delta angle=180] -- ++(0,2) arc[x radius=3,y radius=1,start angle=0,delta angle=-180] -- ++(0,-2);
\foreach \k in {0,...,60} {
\pgfmathparse{Mod(\k,2) ? "pink" : "purple!50"}
\draw[line width=1mm,\linecol] (\k mm,2) -- ++(0,-3);
\fill[opacity=.3] (0,2) arc[x radius=3,y radius=1,start angle=180,delta angle=180] -- ++(0,-.5) arc[x radius=3,y radius=1.25,start angle=0,delta angle=-180] -- ++(0,.5);
\fill[pink] (-.25,2) .. controls +(0,-.5) and +(-2,0) .. ++(3.25,-1.25) .. controls +(2,0) and +(0,-.5) .. ++(3.25,1.25) -- ++(0,1) .. controls +(0,.5) and +(2,0) .. ++(-3.25,1.25) .. controls +(-2,0) and +(0,.5) .. ++(-3.25,-1.25);
\draw[pink!80!black] (-.25,3) .. controls +(0,-.5) and +(-2,0) .. ++(3.25,-1.25) .. controls +(2,0) and +(0,-.5) .. ++(3.25,1.25) .. controls +(0,.5) and +(2,0) .. ++(-3.25,1.25) .. controls +(-2,0) and +(0,.5) .. ++(-3.25,-1.25);
\fill[pink!80!black] (.75,3) .. controls +(0,-.25) and +(-2,0) .. ++(2.25,-.75) .. controls +(2,0) and +(0,-.25) .. ++(2.25,.75) .. controls +(0,.25) and +(2,0) .. ++(-2.25,.75) .. controls +(-2,0) and +(0,.25) .. ++(-2.25,-.75);
% Show four candles instead of six
\foreach \i in {1,...,4} {
\pgfmathsetmacro{\yshift}{-\i * (5 - \i) * .07cm}
\begin{scope}[xshift=\i * .5cm,yshift = \yshift]
\fill[purple!70] (1.5,3) arc[x radius=5pt, y radius=2.5pt, start angle=-180, end angle=0] -- ++(0,2) arc[x radius=5pt, y radius=2.5pt, start angle=0, end angle=-180] -- cycle;
\fill[pink] (1.5,5) arc[x radius=5pt, y radius=2.5pt, start angle=-180, end angle=180];
\fill[yellow] (1.5,7.5) ++(5pt,0) .. controls +(0,-1) and +(.5,0) .. ++(0,-2.5) .. controls +(-.5,0) and +(0,-1) .. ++(0,2.5);
Happy Birthday!
More happy birthday greetings!
You can also use Alain Matthes' pgfornament
package for some fancy Vectorian borders. And, oh, Daniel is right, we should not forget Paulo Cereda's duck. (There are a lot of versions here. Just take your pick.)