Using Tikzpicture, I have the following automata:
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,initial/.style={}]
\node[state,initial] (a0) {};
\node[state] (a1) [right =of a0] {};
\node[state] (a2) [right =of a1] {};
\node[state] (a3) [above =of a2] {};
\node[state] (a4) [below =of a0] {};
\node[state] (a6) [right =of a4] {};
\node[state] (a7) [right =of a2] {};
\node[state] (a8) [right =of a7] {};
\node[state] (a9) [right =of a8] {};
\node[state] (a5) [above =of a9] {};
\node[state] (b0) [right =of a6] {};
\node[state] (b1) [right =of b0] {};
\node[state] (b2) [right =of b1] {};
\node[state] (b3) [right =of b2] {};
\node[state] (b4) [right =of a9] {};
\tikzset{every node/.style={fill=white}}
\path (a4) edge [mystyle] node {$0$} (a6)
(a2) edge [mystyle] node {$0$} (a7)
(b0) edge [mystyle] node {$0$} (b1);
\path (a3) edge [mystyle] node {$1$} (a5)
(a8) edge [mystyle] node {$1$} (a9)
(b2) edge [mystyle] node {$1$} (b3);
\path (a0) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (a1)
(a1) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (a2)
(a1) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (a3)
(a1) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (a4)
(a6) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (b0)
(a7) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (a8)
(b1) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (b2)
(a9) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (b4)
(a5) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (b4)
(b3) edge [mystyle] node {$\varepsilon$} (b4);
Now, I want to add a yellow epsilon arrow from the node on the far left (a0) to the node on the far right (b4). However, I have absolutely no idea how to do this without the arrow cutting through the rest of the automata. Can I get some help here?
and the appropriate packages so that those trying to help don't have to recreate it. This is especially important fortikz
as there are numerous libraries.\draw [mystyle] (a0) to [bend left=90] (b4);
to draw a curved arrow. You can specify the curvature using the parameter tobend left