I just ran into the problem of embedding fonts while trying to publish with lulu.com. Although everyone apparently is 'supposed' to handle those 35 standard fonts for some strange reason they won't accept pdf's without them included. So one way that according to Daniel Lemire's blog is supposed to work (I haven't tried yet, but hopefully it does work) is to convert the pdf to ps and then back to pdf and include the fonts at that time:
pdftops file.pdf
ps2pdf14 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress file.ps
But this feels at least to me like the wrong way of doing things. Is there some way of passing the parameter directly to pdflatex to tell it to embed those fonts?
And, if not -- How do we go about getting such a feature? (Because it can't only be me who has this sort of problems)
option, are the fonts embedded? Then your problem is with the images not the document itself.pdffonts
or Acrobat Reader (or another PDF viewer). In Acrobat Reader go to File->Properties->Fonts and look if all listed fonts are marked with(embedded subset)
etc. You might just have tell every author to do this with his/her PDF images. Once you tracked down the bad ones try to re-create them with the fonts embedded. AFAIK you cannot embed them later with latex.