I'm still familiarizing myself with XeLaTeX and the fontspec
package. I would like to access the OpenType feature LineFinal
or WordFinal
with the Garamond Premier Pro font from Adobe.
For example, I would like to obtain the following when ending a line or a paragraph :
So I tried adding the Contextuals=WordFinal
option to \setmainfont
but instead I get the following :
and the console says this :
* fontspec warning: "icu-feature-not-exist-in-font"
* OpenType feature 'Contextuals=WordFinal' (+fina) not available for font
* 'Garamond Premier Pro/BI' with script 'Latin' and language 'Default'.
which usually does not bother me because the same warning appears for Historic
, Rare
or TeX
options and they do work fine.
Here's the MWE for testing :
\setmainfont[Ligatures={Rare,TeX,Historic}, Contextuals=WordFinal]{Garamond Premier Pro}
It's easy to be polite.\smallskip
Next paragraph starts here.
To obtain the "e.end" of the first pic, instead of writing polite
I wrote polit\XeTeXglyph249
which works well. But it will become really tedious if I have to do this every time... Is there a simple solution?
Seems that AGPPro doesn't feature the fina
nor the falt
features. Checked it using otfinfo -f
on a terminal :
$ otfinfo -f /Library/Fonts/Garamond\ Premier\ Pro/GaramondPremrPro.otf
aalt Access All Alternates
c2sc Small Capitals From Capitals
calt Contextual Alternates
case Case-Sensitive Forms
cpsp Capital Spacing
dlig Discretionary Ligatures
dnom Denominators
frac Fractions
hist Historical Forms
kern Kerning
liga Standard Ligatures
lnum Lining Figures
numr Numerators
onum Oldstyle Figures
ordn Ordinals
ornm Ornaments
pnum Proportional Figures
salt Stylistic Alternates
sinf Scientific Inferiors
size Optical Size
smcp Small Capitals
ss01 Stylistic Set 1
ss02 Stylistic Set 2
ss03 Stylistic Set 3
ss04 Stylistic Set 4
subs Subscript
sups Superscript
tnum Tabular Figures
zero Slashed Zero
Any solutions?
I would settle if I could at least use the feature at the end of paragraphs (as they may be the only places where I actually use the feature).