I have two questions regarding centering:
I am trying to center a case-defined function, say defined as follows:
$f_i(z)=$ \begin{cases}\frac{1}{t}dist (z,\gamma_i ) &\text {if} z\in A_i(t)\\ 1 &\text{if} z \in A_i \backslash A_i(t)\\ 0 & \text{if} z \in \tilde{M} \backslash A_i\\ \end{cases}
How do I center it?
Say the name of the figure I am inserting is 'egnpic', and I am using the following command to insert it in my LaTeX document:
\hspace{11 mm} \includegraphics[height=100mm]{egnpic}\Apparently I am not seeing any effect of using `\hspace{11 mm}`, the relative position of the figure {egnpic} remains the same when I use `\hspace{5 mm}` and when I use `\hspace{11 mm}`.