I created a supposedly robust command through \DeclareRobustCommand{\plusplus}{\relsize{-3}{++}} that modifies some ++ sign, and I use it in the document. However, when I use the \relsize and the hyperref package with the tocdepth counter set, I obtain a cryptic error (at least for me)

Runaway argument? {\@tempcnta >\z@ \relax \advance \@tempcnta \m@ne \@tempdimb ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=10000000]. ...\@tempcnta \m@ne \@tempdimb \@tempa \@tempdimb \relax l.15 \subsubsection{test\plusplus}

I even try to increase the memory size, as you can see, up to 10000000. And, in my full document the error changes to

Runaway definition? ->\protect 5.3.4 test\protect \<>-\kernel@ifnextchar [4]\<>-\@ifnextchar \ETC . ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=10000000]. \new@ifnex tchar l.108 \subsection{test\plusplus}

I don't understand why the error changes. However, the code below is the shortest code I get before removing the error. However, I need to use the hyperref package and the table of contents. How can I solve this problem?



\usepackage{hyperref}%remove hyperref and it compiles


\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}%or remove teh tocdepth and it compiles
%but use both and it doesn't




1 Answer 1


The problem is with hyperref that tries to expand \plusplus and finds itself in an infinite loop.

Solution: provide a special definition of \plusplus for the bookmarks.






%%% the following would work also without \pdfstringdefDisableCommands



For a "one shot" occurrence, using \texorpdfstring{\plusplus}{++} is simpler. The \pdfstringDisableCommands way is better as it doesn't require thinking whether a command is safe for the bookmarks or not.

You can define \plusplus differently, without relsize:






%%% the following would work also without \pdfstringdefDisableCommands



enter image description here

If you want to raise the two + symbols, you can change the definition into


enter image description here

  • However, if I use the string it would put the ++ sign as is. The whole idea of the macro is to resize and shift the ++. However, for the sake of being MWE I removed that part. Hence, how can I ensure the command being called (or at least getting the desired effect) and not getting into an infinite loop?
    – adn
    Commented Apr 1, 2013 at 13:13
  • 1
    @adn I've added also a different definition without \relsize and an easy way for shifting the + up. There's really no way to cope with complicated constructions and the bookmarks without resorting to \pdfstringdefDisableCommands. Having smaller and raised + symbols in the bookmarks is impossible (unless you find a suitable Unicode character), because those are simply strings, not typeset boxes.
    – egreg
    Commented Apr 1, 2013 at 13:20

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