I have a small problem with some arrows but I can't seem to find a solution. Please note that this question is different from Setting fill color for TikZ arrow tips only (and not the path itself), since there the OP meant to make the whole arrow of one color.
If I wanted the arrow tip to be black and the arrow path to be colored, I'd simply say draw=black
but I need the opposite, a black path with a colored tip.
So this is what I get:
And this is my code:
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1cm]{geometry}
opera/.style={fill=white, inner sep=0pt, right=3mm, text width= 5cm,font=\footnotesize},
tear/.style={draw=black, fill=blue, -*},.
\draw[tear] (12, 5) -- (12,4) -- (10,3) -- (10,2) node[opera] at (10,2){Not the path!};
I've tried removing as much as possible to make the code minimal so don't worry if you see unused packages or libraries.
I've thought as a possible solution to add an option like >=stealth
but trying to set the color using the o
or *
arrow tips. None worked.