I am using the below LaTeX template to create small posters with coloured background and with a wide variety of dimensions, usually very far from the ordinary paper formats. This of course sometimes causes problems because LaTeX is, generally, very A4-oriented, at least from my layman's perspective.

The problem I am currently dealing with is to have my name and e-mail address displayed at the center of the bottom margin, as a kind of very small footer. However, my experiments with fancyhdr were rather unsuccessful, since I had to increase the size of the bottom margin quite a lot in order for the footer to become visible. I would rather want to avoid chaing the layout that much because of such a small detail, so does anybody have a good solution to this?

P.S. As might be obvious from the below template, I am no skilled LaTeX user, so feel free to point out whatever else I might be doing completely wrong. ;-)

\usepackage{graphicx, color}


% If I want a picture background:
%       paperwidth=\imagewidth,
%       paperheight = \imageheight,
%       top=0.03\imagewidth,
%       bottom=0.03\imagewidth,
%       left=0.03\imagewidth,
%       right=0.03\imagewidth
%   ]{geometry}

%If I want a homogeneous colour background: 
        paperheight = \mypageheight,

%Other packages
\usepackage{enumerate,siunitx,comment,amssymb,amstext,amsthm,array,xspace,xkeyval,xfrac,bm,mathtools,listings, wasysym, tikz, pgfplots}
\usepackage{cmbright} %Sans-serif in math mode.


%A \yesnumber command, allowing me to easily insert equation numers.

%Special commands:



        {\Huge Title}

    Lorem ipsum.........................

1 Answer 1


You could use the background package. The package allows you to easily place arbitrary material at the desired position in all or some of the pages of your document; you can control the attributes of the material (color,scale,position,angle,etc.). A little example:

\usepackage{graphicx, color}


% If I want a picture background:
%       paperwidth=\imagewidth,
%       paperheight = \imageheight,
%       top=0.03\imagewidth,
%       bottom=0.03\imagewidth,
%       left=0.03\imagewidth,
%       right=0.03\imagewidth
%   ]{geometry}

%If I want a homogeneous colour background: 
        paperheight = \mypageheight,

%Other packages
\usepackage{enumerate,siunitx,comment,amssymb,amstext,amsthm,array,xspace,xkeyval,xfrac,bm,mathtools,listings, wasysym, tikz, pgfplots}
\usepackage{cmbright} %Sans-serif in math mode.


%A \yesnumber command, allowing me to easily insert equation numers.

%Special commands:


  position=current page.south,
  contents={Some text},


{\Huge Title}

Lorem ipsum.........................

enter image description here

The global option 20pt is not recognized by the article class.

  • It's working PERFECTLY, thanks. :-)
    – Gaussler
    Apr 4, 2013 at 15:23

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