I want a custom symbol on top of a variable. The problem is that the symbol size always keeps the same if the variable size is changed. In a more sophisticated formula with fractions etc. that looks horrible.

Here an example. To reduce the vertical space I have used code from How can i shrink (or expand) the vertical spacing in \stackrel?.


    $\text{\tikz{\draw[-, line width=0.2ex] (1.6ex,0.5ex) -- (1.6ex,-0.5ex); \begin{scope}[xshift=0ex] \draw[-, line width=0.2ex] (0,0) -- (1.4ex,0); \fill[black] (1.5ex,0) -- (1ex,0.5ex) -- (1ex,-0.5ex) -- cycle; \end{scope} }}$\cr

  B_{\overset{\defeq}{AB}} \overset{\defeq}{AB}

1 Answer 1


The boxing stops the size changing in a subscript, you could use \mathchoice to select different sizes, but here I think you can just remove the vbox and \ialign as you only had one row so it wasn't aligning anything.

enter image description here


  \mathrel{\text{\tikz{\draw[-, line width=0.2ex] (1.6ex,0.5ex) -- (1.6ex,-0.5ex); \begin{scope}[xshift=0ex] \draw[-, line width=0.2ex] (0,0) -- (1.4ex,0); \fill[black] (1.5ex,0) -- (1ex,0.5ex) -- (1ex,-0.5ex) -- cycle; \end{scope}}}}}

  B_{\overset{\defeq}{AB}} \overset{\defeq}{AB}

Or closer:

\raisebox{-.4ex}[0pt][0pt]{\tikz{\draw[-, line width=0.2ex] (1.6ex,0.5ex) -- (1.6ex,-0.5ex); \begin{scope}[xshift=0ex] \draw[-, line width=0.2ex] (0,0) -- (1.4ex,0); \fill[black] (1.5ex,0) -- (1ex,0.5ex) -- (1ex,-0.5ex) -- cycle; \end{scope}}}}}}
  • The problem is that I also want to reduce the space between arrow and variable
    – user4811
    Commented Apr 4, 2013 at 22:21
  • updated code to lower arrow Commented Apr 4, 2013 at 22:52
  • Cool, this helps! Thx!!!
    – user4811
    Commented Apr 4, 2013 at 23:33

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