This is not new here. But with the solutions in:
- Problem with overlay when a tikzpicture is inside another tikzpicture
- How to typeset a TikZ picture inside a node?
I couldn't put it to work.
Basically what I want is to define a command that will be a picture and can be used inside other picture as a node, similarly how the shape is defined. So that I can reuse the code because each picture has many elements. See the MWE:
\node[draw, shape = rectangle, minimum width=15mm, minimum height=7.5mm] (box) {#1};
\draw ($(box.south west)+(0.25,0)$) circle (4pt);
\draw ($(box.south east)-(0.25,0)$) circle (4pt);
\draw[fill=black] ($(box.south west)+(0.25,0)$) circle (1pt);
\draw[fill=black] ($(box.south east)-(0.25,0)$) circle (1pt);
\draw ($(box.north west)+(0.25,0)$) -- +(0,0.25) node[midway] (ant1) {};
\draw ($(box.north east)-(0.25,0)$) -- +(0,0.25) node[midway] (ant2) {};
\node at ($(ant1)!0.5!(ant2)$) {\dots};
\draw (ant1.north) -- +(135:0.25);
\draw (ant1.north) -- +(45:0.25);
\draw (ant2.north) -- +(135:0.25);
\draw (ant2.north) -- +(45:0.25);
\node[draw, shape = dart, shape border rotate = 90, minimum width = 10mm, minimum height = 10mm] (base) {#1};
\draw[line join = round] (base.110) -- (base.70) -- (base.north west) -- (base.north east) -- cycle;
\draw ($(base.north)+(0.5,0)$) -- +(0,0.25) node[midway] (ant1) {};
\draw ($(base.north)-(0.5,0)$) -- +(0,0.25) node[midway] (ant2) {};
\draw[cap = rect, line join = round] (ant1.south) -- (ant2.south);
\node at ($(ant1)!0.5!(ant2)$) {\dots};
\draw (ant1.north) -- +(135:0.25);
\draw (ant1.north) -- +(45:0.25);
\draw (ant2.north) -- +(135:0.25);
\draw (ant2.north) -- +(45:0.25);
\node[draw, shape = circle, fill = yellow!30] at (0,0) (test1) {\MBS{BS}};
\node[draw, shape = circle, fill = blue!30] at (3,3) (test2) {\MUE{UE1}};
\node[draw, shape = circle, fill = blue!30] at (3,-3) (test3) {\MUE{UE2}};
\draw[->] (test1) -- (test2);
\draw[->] (test1) -- (test3);
As it can be seen, the antennas in the picture are not correcly placed because I am using draw, shape = circle
in the nodes of the second picture. Also, if I add inner sep = 0pt
the result is even worst. How can I use such kind of nesting inside TikZ?
. Can you provide the code?ant
nodes to add the last lines to the antenna, just use the last point on the line on which you place the (unnecessary) nodes. — You can also use thepath picture
key to place additional stuff inside a node (provided you know the size of the content before hand) or you place first the content and thenfit
the circle around it.v
at the very last point of the antenna. Using nodes helps me in keeping centered the\dots
. Is there an automatic way to calculate the last point?coordinate
there and use this when you draw thev
; or you dothe same path again but without the