I'm having a problem while using gb4e and biblatex in the same file. It does compile, but I get an "patching footnotes failed" warning.

Minimal example:





ejemplo de texto


Gives the error:

 Package biblatex Warning: Patching footnotes failed.
 (biblatex) Footnote detection will not work.

Am I doing something wrong? is the warning important or could I just ignore it?


1 Answer 1


The gb4e package redefines \footnotetext so that it can deal with examples within footnotes. biblatex detects this change and issues the warning, since it assumes that \footnotetext is defined as in the LaTeX kernel. Footnote detection is only used in ibid style referencing schemes, and since you are using an Author-Year scheme there should be no problem for you, and you can safely ignore the warning.

  • My apologies, Alan. I've already asked a new question (here) but forgot to delete my comment here.
    – n.r.
    Commented Sep 2, 2016 at 18:58

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