I am currently updating my CV and using the moderncv package. When I've updated the 'Languages' section, I've encountered a problem:




\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{0.3\textwidth} % widen first column within CV 


    \cvline{German}{Hallo, mein Name ist Fritz, Ich would like to haben ein Sauerkraut with Schnitzel, bitte. Und dazu ein deutsches Weizenbier. Bitte wo ist der Schlossmuseum? I know a little German, he's sitting over there.}
    \cvline{German Sign Language (DGS)}{Basics}


That results in: Image: result

So my question is: Is it possible to adjust the vertical alignment of the first respectively of the second column in a cvline to middle? I would like that the Basics is in the middle (vertically) of the German Sign Language (DGS). The other case (aligning the left column vertically) is not that important to me.

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    – jjdb
    Commented Apr 15, 2013 at 20:01

1 Answer 1


In the following example I defined a \ccvitem command that behaves as \cvitem, but with vertical alignment of the columns content (instead of p{...} columns, \ccvitem uses m{...} columns available through the array package):




\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{0.3\textwidth} % widen second column within CV 

    \raggedleft\hintstyle{#2} &{#3}%


    \cvitem{German}{Hallo, mein Name ist Fritz, Ich would like to haben ein Sauerkraut with Schnitzel, bitte. Und dazu ein deutsches Weizenbier. Bitte wo ist der Schlossmuseum? I know a little German, he's sitting over there.}
    \cvitem{German Sign Language (DGS)}{Basics}
    \ccvitem{German}{Hallo, mein Name ist Fritz, Ich would like to haben ein Sauerkraut with Schnitzel, bitte. Und dazu ein deutsches Weizenbier. Bitte wo ist der Schlossmuseum? I know a little German, he's sitting over there.}
    \ccvitem{German Sign Language (DGS)}{Basics}


enter image description here

By the way, you could use \cvitem instead of \cvline that appears to be still around just for compatibility with older versions of moderncv.

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