I need to write the title page for my work and I need that the author and director names be in the right side of the page, anyone can help me or give an idea?

This is what i tried

 \textsc{\LARGE Departament of My University}\\[0.4cm]
 \textsc{\large Name of University}\\[0.6cm]

 \textsc{\Large Final Work}\\[0.5cm]

 { \Huge \bfseries Name of my work}\\[0.4cm]


 \begin{flushright} \large
 \emph{Autor:} \\
  My Name\\
 \emph{Director:} \\
 My Director´s name

 {\large March, $2013$}
  • Note that your code is not compilable as it is: you must load the graphicx package in order to use \includegraphics. Regarding your horizontal-alignment issue, I think you want to use a flushright rather than flushleft.
    – jub0bs
    Commented Apr 18, 2013 at 12:29
  • thanks for let me note that, actually the graphic doesn´t matter, so i erased from the example, and yes it was flushright, but it doen´t work as i want
    – Dimitri
    Commented Apr 18, 2013 at 12:31

2 Answers 2


You could try this:



\textsc{\LARGE Departament of My University}\\[0.4cm]
\textsc{\large Name of University}\\[0.6cm]
\textsc{\Large Final Work}\\[0.5cm]
{\Huge \bfseries Name of my work}


\emph{Autor:} \\
My Name\\
\emph{Director:} \\
My Director´s name


{\large March, 2013}


enter image description here

I used \hfill to move to the right a tabular environment containing the names.

The demo option for graphicx simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.

I only used the showframe option for geometry to have a visual guideline; the lines in the image correspond to the margins enclosing the text area.


Complementary answer: the output is not the one you intended, because the minipage is centered—only its content is flushed to the right. It becomes clear if you add a box around it (thanks to the boxedminipage package): minipage boxed

Adding an \hfill before the minipage solves the problem.

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