I appreciate it if you let me know the most elegant way to draw a DAG such as the followings: enter image description here

  • 1
    For better answers you might explain what a DAG is and what specifies it. Commented Apr 18, 2013 at 19:09

2 Answers 2


A possibility but not sure it's the most elegant. I added a little change with (x.45) to draw the edges from the same point like your example. I added also some styles.


 \begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={fill,draw,circle,minimum width=4pt},
        arrow style/.style={->,bend left,
        line width=1.2pt,shorten >=3pt}]

 \path[every node/.style={dot}]     
                   node [label=west:$X$]          (x) {}
       + ( 45:3cm) node [label=east:$T$]          (t) {}
       + (-20:3cm) node [label=south east:$Z$]    (z) {}
       + (-60:3cm) node [label=south:$Y$]         (y) {};

      (x.45)  edge [arrow style] node [auto] {$y$} (y)
              edge [arrow style] node [auto] {$z$} (z)     
              edge [arrow style] node [auto] {$t$} (t);


enter image description here

It's possible to get a shorter code but the question is to know if a shorter code is most elegant. Personally I prefer if it's possible to avoid the mix of multiple actions like to draw the nodes first and then to draw the edges.


   \begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={fill,draw,circle,minimum width=4pt},
                       arrow style/.style={<-,bend right,line width=1.2pt,
                       shorten <=3pt,shorten >=3pt}]

   \node [dot,label=west:$X$]  (x) {};
   \node [dot,label=east:$T$]  (t)  at   (45:3cm)  {}
                       edge [arrow style] node [auto] {$t$} (x);
   \node [dot,label=south east:$Z$]  (z)  at   (-20:3cm)  {}
                       edge [arrow style] node [auto] {$z$} (x);
   \node [dot,label=south:$Y$]  (y)  at   (-60:3cm)  {}
                       edge [arrow style] node [auto] {$y$} (x);

With PSTricks.

enter image description here


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