I'm having trouble constructing a tabular environment and compiling it with pdflatex. Here's what I'm trying to do:

\captionof{table}{Left side FBD} \label{tab:title2}
\begin{tabular}{ C C }\toprule[1.5pt]
\bf X & \b
f Y \\\midrule
$0$ & $-F_g$\\
$F_t \sin \theta$ & $F_t \cos \theta$\\
$-F_e$ & $0$\\
$0$ & $0$\\

However, I then get the following error:

! Package array Error:  Illegal pream-token (C): `c' used.

See the array package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.8 \begin{tabular}{ C C }

! Package array Error:  Illegal pream-token (C): `c' used.

I've tried giving each C and argument as I've seen in other source code (I'm still not certain exactly what that argument is for) I get another error message. When I replace C with C{.85in} I now get:

! Package array Error:  Illegal pream-token (C): `c' used.

See the array package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.8 \begin{tabular}{ C{.85in} C{.85in} }

! Package array Error:  Illegal pream-token (.85in): `c' used.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong with my tabular? Thanks in advance!


1 Answer 1


here is the fixed MWE:

\captionof{table}{Left side FBD} \label{tab:title2}
\begin{tabular}{ c c }\toprule[1.5pt]
\bf X & \b
f Y \\\midrule
$0$ & $-F_g$\\
$F_t \sin \theta$ & $F_t \cos \theta$\\
$-F_e$ & $0$\\
$0$ & $0$\\

C should be replaced with c

  • Thank you. What is the difference between the lower and upper case c's anyway?
    – David
    Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 19:03
  • 8
    @David: The difference is the case, and LaTeX (like many programming languages) use a case-specific interface. So, just like you use \sin and not \Sin or \SIN. There is a difference, since LaTeX expects a lowercase l, c, r, p by default. tabularx provides an additional X, while array adds m and allow expansion of the defaults to your liking.
    – Werner
    Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 19:05

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