One well known problem with using the font Linux Libertine (presumably other fonts too), is that its many ligatures are not recognized in the resulting pdf-file, so that it's not possible to search for or copy a ligature such as 'Th'.
One way of fixing this is addressed in the question Make ligatures in Linux Libertine copyable (and searchable)
But the fix addressed there doesn't work with XeTeX. Compiling Ulrike's MWE will only result in an error message
> Undefined control sequence.
l.7 \pdfglyphtounicode
So what is the best fix for XeTeX?
(which I linked to) toxetex
, where that command doesn't work. The fact that the reason I want to do that is due to some (alleged) problems with the font is strictly speaking another matter. Ulrike's comment is a good answer to what I actually asked: "you can't do anything on the xe(la)tex side. xetex can't manipulate the glyph names". Both the title and the content of my question make it clear that this is aboutxetex
, thus clearly "within the scope of TeX"