Consider the following example.


% pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex






% Parameters
      (!180 \NoSides\space div cos \OuterRadius\space mul
        180 \NoSides\space div sin \OuterRadius\space mul){1}{P\iA}
  \rput(0,0){$A \approx \SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{\Area}{\square\m}$}
  % The (really) bad code starts here.



enter image description here


I have the desired output but the code is not very elegant. The problem is (especially) to simplify the code giving the dotted lines and the right angle marks around the octagon.



% pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex



  \cs_new_eq:NN \calc \fp_eval:n


% Parameters.
\def\NoSides{5 }
\def\SideLength{60 }
% Help.
 \pstVerb{/R \SideLength 180 \NoSides div sin 2 mul div def}
  \pscircle(0,0){!R }
    \pcline[linewidth=2pt](!R \iA\space PtoC)(!R \iA\space \dAngle\space add PtoC)
      \LabelLine(!R \iA\space \dAngle\space add PtoC)%
                (!R \iA\space PtoC)%
      \LabelLine(!R \iA\space \dAngle\space add PtoC)%
                (!R \iA\space \dAngle\space add PtoC exch pop \OR\space exch)%
      \LabelLine(!R \iA\space PtoC)%
                (!R \iA\space PtoC pop \OR)%
  \rput(!-\IR\space \IR\space 5 sub){\psframe(5,5)}
  \rput(!\IR\space 5 sub -\IR){\psframe(5,5)}
  \rput(!\IR\space 5 sub \IR \space 5 sub){\psframe(5,5)}
  \rput(0,0){$A \approx \SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{\Area}{\square\m}$}



enter image description here


I would like

  • the polygon (here, pentagon) to be completely inside the dotted square,
  • the dashed lines with the x and y labels to be placed as on Jubobs' TikZ solution.

Update 2

After Herbert's changes:

enter image description here

  • I would like the "upper" dashed line to be horizontal,
  • The polygon is still not completey inside the square.

If the problem in the second bullet is fixed, the problem in the first one will be fixed automatically (I think).

Update 3

Here is how I would like the square to be

enter image description here

(In the picture above, the square is drawn manually.)

  • Is it only about octagon? If it is for any polygon then constructing the outer square with 2 parallel sides is not generally possible. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 5:07
  • @Bugbusters I had hoped for a general polygon. Can you then simplify the code giving the dotted lines and the right angle marks around the octagon specifically? Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 6:15
  • It is difficult to synchronize the dotted lines of frame with the ones of right mark angle. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 6:25

3 Answers 3


A solution without defining nodes. Works only for n=8:

\usepackage[pdf]{pstricks}% for pdflatex --shell-escape
  \cs_new_eq:NN \calc \fp_eval:n

\def\NoSides{8 }  \def\SideLength{60 }


  \pstVerb{/R \SideLength 180 \NoSides div sin 2 mul div def
           /Q R \dAngle\space 2 div tx@Dict begin PtoC end pop def }
    \pcline[linewidth=2pt](!R \iA\space PtoC)(!R \iA\space \dAngle\space add PtoC)
      \LabelLine[:U](!R \iA\space \dAngle\space add PtoC)(!R \iA\space PtoC){-6pt}{\SideLength m}
      \LabelLine(!R \iA\space \dAngle\space add PtoC)(!Q dup){10pt}{$x$}
      \LabelLine(!R \iA\space PtoC)(!Q dup){-10pt}{$x$}
  \psframe[linestyle=dotted](!Q neg dup)(!Q dup)
  \rput(!Q neg dup)    {\psframe[linestyle=dotted](5,5)}
  \rput(!Q neg Q 5 sub){\psframe[linestyle=dotted](5,5)}
  \rput(!Q 5 sub Q neg){\psframe[linestyle=dotted](5,5)}
  \rput(!Q 5 sub dup)  {\psframe[linestyle=dotted](5,5)}
  \rput(0,0){$A \approx \SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{\Area}{\square\m}$}


enter image description here

  • By the way, your outer square is not similar to the questioner's one. How do you construct the outer square for n=5 (for example)? Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 9:21
  • (1) I cannot compile using pdflatex (even if I add \usepackage[pdf]{pstricks}) -- should I upload the log file somewhere? (2) The outer square is not placed like in my drawing. (3) I would like to use nrot=:U for only the side length and one of the x's Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 10:33
  • @Herbert I have fixed (2) and (3) myself, but not (1). Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 11:21
  • for 1 I have to investigate and for 3 use \def\LabelLine(#1)(#2)#3#4#5{%and then [nrot=#5] and for the \LabelLine calls extend it with {:U} or {0}
    – user2478
    Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 11:34
  • for 1 move the line \pstVerb{/R ... into the pspicture environment
    – user2478
    Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 11:37

I really don't understand the purpose of presenting the outer square especially for odd-side regular polygons. In this answer I omit the outer square.


enter image description here


% constants declarator
            \noexpand\pstVerb{/#2 \csname#2\endcsname\space def}}%


        \rput{!OffsetAngle RadtoDeg}(0,0){%
            \curvepnodes[plotpoints=\numexpr\NoSides+1\relax]{0}{360}{OuterRadius t PtoC}{P}
            \multido{\i=0+1}{\Pnodecount}{\xdef\points{\points (P\i)}}
        \psset{arrows=|*-|*,nrot=:U,linestyle=dashed,tbarsize=2pt 2}
        \rput(0,0){$A \approx \SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{\Area}{\square\m}$}



enter image description here


% constants declarator
            \noexpand\pstVerb{/#2 \csname#2\endcsname\space def}}%


        \rput{!OffsetAngle RadtoDeg}(0,0){%
            \curvepnodes[plotpoints=\numexpr\NoSides+1\relax]{0}{360}{OuterRadius t PtoC}{P}
            \multido{\i=0+1}{\Pnodecount}{\xdef\points{\points (P\i)}}
        \psset{arrows=|*-|*,nrot=:U,linestyle=dashed,tbarsize=2pt 2}
        \rput(0,0){$A \approx \SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{\Area}{\square\m}$}

  • No need to understand it. :) There is meaning behind the madness. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 10:42
  • Btw. your code looks really nice. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 10:55
  • @SvendTveskæg: My philosophy is to avoid using \space because it makes the code look long, verbose and dirty. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 11:01

An incomplete TikZ solution but which is flexible in terms of the number of sides:

enter image description here



% Disclaimer: I use \pgfmathsetmacro instead of \def
% to avoid conflicts with existing macros

% parameters for the regular polygon
\pgfmathsetmacro{\R}{4}                         % radius of circumcycle
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\N{5}                      % number of sides (best if >= 5)
\pgfmathsetmacro\a{360/\N}                      % twice the interior angle
\pgfmathsetmacro\area{.5*\N*\R*\R*sin(360/\N)}  % area of polygon
\pgfmathsetmacro{\side}{2*\R*sin(180/\N)}       % side length

% quantities relevant for drawing


    \coordinate (A) at (\secondangle:\R);
    \coordinate (B) at (\thirdangle:\R);

    % draw x line
        ([yshift=\myshift] A) -- 
        ([yshift=\myshift] A-| B) node[mynodestyle] {$x$};

    % draw y line       
        ([xshift=\myshift] A-| B) 
        -- ([xshift=\myshift] B) node[mynodestyle,rotate=90] {$y$};

    % draw side line
        ([xshift={-\myshift*sin(360/\N)},   yshift={-\myshift*cos(360/\N)},] A) --
        ([xshift={-\myshift*sin(360/\N)},   yshift={-\myshift*cos(360/\N)},] B)     
        node[mynodestyle] {$\side \,\text{cm}$};

    % draw the circumcircle   
    \draw[thin,gray] circle (\R)
        node[black] {$A \approx \area \, \text{cm\textsuperscript2}$};

    % Draw the regular polygon
    \draw (\firstangle:\R)
        \foreach \x in {\secondangle,\thirdangle,...,\lastangle} {%
            -- (\x:\R)
        } -- cycle;


  • Really nice! If no PSTricks solution appears, I'll accept this answer (unless a better TikZ solution is presented). Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 23:17

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