I have this warnings around, some of them seems to be solved naturally but I never really understand what do they mean.

What this means?

Edit: I would like to keep the question in more general terms, but in this particular case the source code related to this warning is the following:

\item {\bf Finalização} onde são finalizados os histogramas, eventualmente traçadas curvas de ajuste \emph{(fit)} e guardados os resultados no disco.

Possible duplicate: This question solves the debug issue of this.

PS: Sorry if this question is quite newbie.

  • 13
    In simple words, it means you have a line of text that is too wide (9.8961pt too wide to be precise) to fit in one line, so the program tries to break it unsuccessfully, hence the warning. Commented May 2, 2013 at 15:00
  • 1
    But the generated pdf has this line just has expected (I will put the corresponding source in the question)
    – RSFalcon7
    Commented May 2, 2013 at 15:04
  • 1
    not really. What happens is that 9.89561pt = 3.49mm, which is almost nothing for the naked (inexperienced?) eye to see. Commented May 2, 2013 at 15:07
  • 12
    @MarioS.E. 9.89...pt is, in Computer Modern @10pt, almost the width of one-and-a-half ms. There might be people unable to see that with the naked eye, but what these people need isn't experience, but new glasses ;)
    – Nils L
    Commented May 2, 2013 at 15:18
  • 4
    @RSFalcon7 It's important because the hyphenation of each word is given according to the language Commented May 2, 2013 at 20:07

2 Answers 2


The allowed space between two words is given by the interwordspace (\fontdimen2\font) and interwordstretch (\fontdimen3\font). If it is not possible to set a paragraph with these lengths (with hyphenation) TeX will complain with a overfull or underfull box. Setting the \emergencystrech to a value greater than 0pt it can stretch the interwordspace to a bigger value. You can set this value individually or using \sloppy or the environment sloppypar

interwordspace: \the\fontdimen2\font \\

interwordstretch: \the\fontdimen3\font \\

emergencystretch: \the\emergencystretch\par

interwordspace: \the\fontdimen2\font \\

interwordstretch: \the\fontdimen3\font \\

emergencystretch: \the\emergencystretch\par


enter image description hereenter image description here


for my case, the easiest solution that I found is to add \begin{sloppypar} after \maketitle and to add \end{sloppypar} at the end of my document. It worked like charm: I don't have any text going out of the columns anymore. My document tex looks like:

% title + keywords + abstract 
% document body
  • Please, can you put a MWE to see your solution?
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 20:03
  • i don't understand what do you mean with MWE? I had the overfull issue and I could fix it by adding sloppypar ... have you tried it? didn't work for you? Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 20:12
  • 2
    sloppy and sloppypar allow large spaces between words. Using them is a last resort, not something for the whole document. Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 21:32
  • 2
    Thanks for your comments. I am a beginner in the world of Latex. I just wanted to share with others what solved the issue for me... I can understand that it's not optimal, but i am going to stick with it, for the moment. I have added a MWE, with the hope it can be helpful. Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 1:49
  • 1
    Worked like a charm Commented Apr 1, 2021 at 4:53

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