I've seen two different versions of the \mathcal{F}
Version 1 (see the \mathcal{F}
Version 2:
Notice that the top horizontal line of the F curves down on the left much more in version 1 than it does in version 2.
Which of these is the preferred \mathcal{F}
? I know that some of the calligraphic capital letters were improved at one point, but I don't know which version is the improved one.
UPDATE OF 8/2/2017: Just today I did the automatic update of my MiKTeX---I am currently using pdfLaTeX, pdfTeX Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 2.9.6400), and TeXworks Version 0.6.2---and my \mathcal{F}
has gone back to the old one. No other characters in any fonts seem to have changed. However, if I add the lmodern
package, I can get the new \mathcal{F}
in both regular and bold forms. Did something happen with the current version of MiKTeX?
. Sorry it's a little fuzzy.