I'm looking for a more fancy alternative to the default (read boring) horizontal line produced under the fancyhdr
package. How creative can we get?
2 Answers
Here are five possibilities: two rules (one below, one above); a double colored rule below; a "rule" made with a pattern produced with the help of pgfornament
; a colored rounded box, and a colored frame (the last two produced with TikZ). To produce the header, I used the titleps
package, but fancyhdr
could've been used instead:
\usepackage[a6paper]{geometry}% just for the example
\section{Test Section}
\section{Test Section}
\section{Test Section}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[cyan,thick,rounded corners=5pt]
([xshift=-3pt]current page header area.north west)
([xshift=2pt,yshift=-3pt]current page header area.south east);
\section{Test Section}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
(current page.north west)
([xshift=2pt,yshift=-3pt]current page.east|-current page header area.south east);
\section{Test Section}
And some other examples, mostly to show possibilities:
\usepackage[a6paper]{geometry}% just for the example
\node[draw=olive,rectangle,fill=olive!30,text width=.5\textwidth,inner xsep=0pt,align=center] at (current page header area.center) (header) {\thesection~\sectiontitle};
\node[draw=olive,rectangle,fill=olive!30,text width=3em,inner xsep=0pt,align=center] at (current page footer area.center) {\thepage};
\section{Test Section}
\node[draw=none,rectangle,left color=olive!40,right color=orange!40,text width=.5\textwidth,inner xsep=0pt,align=center] at (current page header area.center) (header) {\thesection~\sectiontitle};
\node[draw=none,rectangle,left color=olive!40,right color=orange!40,text width=3em,inner xsep=0pt,align=center] at (current page footer area.center) {\thepage};
\section{Test Section}
\node[draw=none,starburst,line width=2pt,draw=red,fill=yellow!40,text width=.5\textwidth,inner xsep=0pt,align=center] at (current page header area.center) (header) {\thesection~\sectiontitle};
\node[draw=none,starburst,line width=2pt,draw=red,fill=yellow!40,text width=3em,inner xsep=0pt,align=center] at (current page footer area.center) {\thepage};
\section{Test Section}
Some other possibility, using now the "torn page" decoration developed by JLDiaz in his answer
to Torn page effect:
\usepackage[a6paper]{geometry}% just for the example
\pgfdeclaredecoration{irregular fractal line}{init}
paper/.style={draw=black!10, blur shadow, shade=bilinear interpolation,
lower left=black!20, upper left=black!15, upper right=white, lower right=black!10},
irregular border/.style={decoration={irregular fractal line, amplitude=0.2},
ragged border/.style={ decoration={random steps, segment length=7mm, amplitude=2mm},
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
decorate[irregular border]{decorate{decorate{decorate{decorate[ragged border]{
($(current page header area.south east-|current page.east) - (0, random*30mm)$) -- ($(current page header area.south west-|current page.west) - (0, random*12mm)$)
-- (current page.north west) -- (current page.north east) -- cycle;
\section{Test Section}
+1 for the last one. It doesn't fit anywhere, but where it fits it does it perfectly. I like it so much.– ManuelCommented May 12, 2013 at 23:34
an example with simple boxes. You could also use tikz or pgf commands for more sophisticated headers:
\section{section a}
\section{section b}
\section{section c}
which yields: