I have on my frame two columns. First with three items and second withh three blocks:

    \item<1->item 1
    \item<2->item 2
    \item<3->item 3
              Text in block 1.
          Text in block 2.
          Text in block 3.


The effect I would like to get is when on the first layer only first item and block 1 is active, and other are grayed. On second leyer first and second item and block active and third grayed. On third layer everything active.

That what I have now don't work. On first layer blocks 2 and 3 are invisible, on second and third blocks appear but they're greyed and only on the last layer they become active.

I have used \setbeamercovered{transparent}

Please help. :(


1 Answer 1


To get that particular effect, do not use the uncover for blocks:





    \item<1->item 1
    \item<2->item 2
    \item<3->item 3
              Text in block 1.
          Text in block 2.
          Text in block 3.

The result:

enter image description here

  • It didn't help :(
    – user31027
    Commented May 21, 2013 at 10:26
  • Did you use the code of the answer? Commented May 21, 2013 at 10:27
  • Oh! Thank you! I found the error. In original dcument I had a list inside the list, and there I used \pause. That cause the problem. My bad. Thank you for clue. :)
    – user31027
    Commented May 21, 2013 at 11:10
  • @user31027: you're welcome :). As a new user, I would courteously suggest for the future to upvote all answers you find useful, including those to others' questions and to check/accept the best answers to your own questions by clicking the green tick on the left-hand side of the answer. This will help the community. Commented May 21, 2013 at 12:57

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