I'm using the tabular enviroment \begin{tabular} ... \end{tabular} inside of the beamer class \begin{frame} ... \end{frame} tags. In standard latex documents, i often use something like

\begin{tabular}{C{2.5cm} C{1cm} C{1.5cm} C{1.5cm} C{1.5cm} C{1.5cm} C{1.5cm} C{1.5cm} C{1.5cm} C{1.5cm}}`

to predefine column widths. This seems not to work inside of beamer frames, i get the error:

! Package array Error:  Illegal pream-token (C): `c' used.

Replacing 'C' with 'c' leads to:

! Package array Error:  Illegal pream-token (2.5cm): `c' used.

Why does the interpreter complains about setting the width? Is there a universal solution to handle that issue in general?

1 Answer 1


It seems that you forgot to define the columntype C. I guess you want something like

  • @ Marco Daniel: this is exactly the problem, thanks for the quick reply and a practical solution (and for formatting my post)!
    – Daniel F
    Commented May 26, 2013 at 13:00

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