I want to draw a nuclear reactor. In texamples.net there is a template which is pretty much what I would like to do. The code is

% Pressurized Water Reactor
% Author: Gloria Faccanoni <http://www.science.unitn.it/~gloria/home.htm>
        annotline/.style = {stealth-},
\draw[draw=Gray,double=Gray!10,double distance=4pt]
    (12,12) to[out=135,in=45](0,12)--(0,0)--(22,0)--(22,12)--(12,12)--(12,0);
\node[text width=4cm, text centered,font=\small] at (6,13)
% legend
    \filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (1,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (3,0.5)
        {Pressurized water\\(primary loop)};
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30]
        (11,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (13,0.5)
        {Water and steam\\(secondary loop)};
    \filldraw[draw=Blue,fill=Blue!10] (21,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (23,0.5)
        {Water\\(cooling loop)};
% 2nd loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
    % vessel left
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30]
        (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
        (3.5,4.5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,4.5) -- (0,0);
    % vessel right
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30,xshift=7cm]
        (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
        (3.5,5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,5) -- (0,0);
    % circuits
    \draw[draw=blue,double=blue!40,double distance=4pt]
      (1.75,-0.3) -- ++(0,-1) -- ++(7,0) -- ++(0,1);
    \draw[draw=blue,double=Gray!30,double distance=4pt]
        (1.75,5.38) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(3,0) -- ++(0,-1.5);
    % arrows
    \draw[arrows2loop] (3.5,-1.3) -- (3,-1.3);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (1.75,-0.9) -- (1.75,-0.4);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (4.5,6.38) -- (5,6.38);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (7,7.38) -- (7.5,7.38);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,6.4) -- (8.75,5.9);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,-0.4) -- (8.75,-0.9);
    \foreach \x in {0.5,1,...,3}
        \draw[arrows2loop,xshift=7cm] (\x,3) -- (\x,2.5);
    % labels
    \draw[annotline] (2.5,-1.3) -- ++(3.5,1.3)
        node[text width=1cm,font=\small,above] {Liquid};
    \draw[annotline] (2.5,6.38) -- ++(3.5,-1.3)
        node[text width=1cm,font=\small,below] {Vapor};
    % pump
        \filldraw[fill=Blue!20,draw=Blue] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
    % generator ...
    \draw[xshift=6.5cm,draw=Gray,double=Gray!10,double distance=4pt] 
        (3,4) -- ++(2,0);
        (1.8,4) -- (3.0,3.3) -- (3.0,4.7) -- cycle;
        (1.5,4) -- (2.5,3.4) -- (2.5,4.6) -- cycle;
        (1.2,4) -- (2  ,3.5) -- (2  ,4.5) -- cycle;
        (4.5,3.3) rectangle (7.3,4.7);
    \node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,4) 
        {Steam generator\\ (heat change)};
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (8.8,5) {Turbine};
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (12.4,4) {Alternator};
    % transmission lines
    \node (aa) at (11.1,4.6) {};
    \node (bb) at (11.6,4.6) {};
    \node (cc) at (12.1,4.6) {};
    \node (dd) at (12.6,4.6) {};
    \node (ee) at (13.1,4.6) {};
    \node (ff) at (13.6,4.6) {};

% 3 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
    % circuit
    \draw[draw=Blue,double=Blue!10,double distance=4pt]
      (1,2.5) -- ++(-8.5,0) -- ++(0,+1.5) -- ++(8.5,0);
    % arrows
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-5.5,2.5) -- (-6,2.5);
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-1.5,2.5) -- (-2,2.5);
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-6,4) -- (-5.5,4);
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-2,4) -- (-1.5,4);
    % tower
    \filldraw[draw=Gray,fill=Gray!20] (1,7) to[out=270,in=80]
                  (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200]
                  (6,0) to[out=100,in=270]
    \filldraw[draw=Gray,fill=Gray!40] (1,7) to[out=30,in=150]
                  (5,7) to[out=200,in=-20]
    % labels
    \node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (3,3.5)
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-3.5,1.5)
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-6,3.25)
    % pump
        \filldraw[fill=purple!20,draw=purple] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
%1 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Reactor vessel
\filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (0,-0.5) to[out=-20,in=200]
              (3.5,-0.5) --
              (3.5,4.5) to[out=160,in=20]
              (0,4.5) --
% circuit
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt]
  (0.1,1) --  ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,-3) -- ++(5,0) -- ++(0,1.5) --
  ++(3,0) -- ++(0,2) -- ++(-3.7,0);
% Pressurizer
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt] (4.2,1.6) -- ++(0,0.8);
\filldraw[draw=Green,bottom color=red!40,top color=Green!20]
              (4,2.4) to[out=-20,in=200]
              (4.5,2.4) --
              (4.5,3.6) to[out=160,in=20]
              (3.9,3.6) --
% arrows
\draw[arrows1loop] (-0.7,1) -- (-0.2,1);
\draw[arrows1loop] (-0.9,-0.5) -- (-0.9,0);
\draw[arrows1loop] (0.7,-2) -- (0.2,-2);
\draw[arrows1loop] (4.5,1.5) -- (5,1.5);
\draw[arrows1loop] (7.1,0.5) -- (7.1,0);
\draw[arrows1loop] (5.5,-0.5) -- (5,-0.5);

% pump
    \filldraw (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
    \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
    \filldraw[yshift=-0.5cm] (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
        (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
        (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
        (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
% reactor core
\filldraw[fill=red!30,draw=red] (0.7,0) rectangle (2.8,2);

% control rods
\foreach \x in {1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5}
  \draw[draw=Gray,double=Gray!50,double distance=0.5pt] (\x,0.3) -- (\x,3.7);

\draw[annotline] (0.6,0.5) -- ++(-3.3,-1.5)
    node[text width=1cm,font=\small,left] {Reactor core};
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,5.4) {Reactor vessel};
\draw[annotline] (0.9,2.8) -- ++(-3.3,1.5)
    node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,left=-8pt] {Control\\rods};
\draw[annotline] (4.2,3.7) -- ++(0.5,1.5)
    node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,above] {Pressurizer};
\draw[annotline] (3.9,1.5) -- ++(1.3,-0.6)
    node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
        {Water coolant (\unit{330}{\degreecelsius})};
\draw[annotline] (-0.1,-2) -- ++(-0.3,-0.6)
    node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
        {Water coolant (\unit{280}{\degreecelsius})};
% clouds ----------------------------------
\begin{scope}[xshift=26cm,yshift=10cm, fill=blue!10, draw=Blue,
    decoration={bumps,segment length=0.5cm}]
        (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
        ++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
        (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
        ++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
        (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
        ++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
    \node[text width=1cm, text centered,font=\small] at (0.2,1.5) {Water vapor};

% palo della luce
\begin{scope}[xscale=0.2,xshift=113cm,yshift=19cm,line width=1pt,Brown]
    \draw (0,0) -- (-6,-6)
          (0,0) -- ( 6,-6)
          (-1,-1) -- ( 1,-1)
          (-1,-1) -- ( 2,-2)
          ( 1,-1) -- (-2,-2)
          (-2,-2) -- ( 2,-2)
          (-2,-2) -- ( 3,-3)
          ( 2,-2) -- (-3,-3)
          ( 3,-3) -- (-3,-3)
          (-3,-3) -- ( 4,-4)
          ( 3,-3) -- (-4,-4)
          ( 4,-4) -- (-4,-4)
          (-4,-4) -- ( 5,-5)
          ( 4,-4) -- (-5,-5)
          ( 5,-5) -- (-5,-5)
          (-6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2)
          ( 6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2);
    \draw (-1.5,-1.5) -- (-4,-1.5) -- (-1,-1)
          ( 1.5,-1.5) -- ( 4,-1.5) -- ( 1,-1);
    \path (-4,-1.4) node (a) {}
          ( 4,-1.4) node (b) {};
    \draw[line width=1pt,Brown] (-3.5,-3.5) -- (-7.5,-3.5) -- (-3,-3)
                                ( 3.5,-3.5) -- ( 7.5,-3.5) -- ( 3,-3);
    \path (-7.5,-3.4) node (c) {}
          ( 7.5,-3.4) node (d) {}
          (-5.5,-3.4) node (e) {}
          ( 5.5,-3.4) node (f) {};
% transmission lines
\draw[dashed,Gray] (c) -- (aa)
                   (a) -- (bb)
                   (e) -- (cc)
                   (b) -- (dd)
                   (f) -- (ee)
                   (d) -- (ff);


The output is

enter image description here

On wikipedia there is a similar image, with moving pumps, moving flows etc. enter image description here

How to do that using tikz?

  • Are you asking about the general process of creating animations using TikZ? Or do you have trouble with a particular part of the drawing?
    – Jake
    Commented May 26, 2013 at 18:33
  • @Jake: Thank you very much for your comment! I have no idea how to make it work. Somehow I think I have to use animate and calc but I don't have the foggiest on how to do it...
    – Thanos
    Commented May 26, 2013 at 18:40
  • 5
    Take a look at the TeXample animations page, it contains lots of examples that should get you started.
    – Jake
    Commented May 26, 2013 at 18:42
  • 1
    The demos on texample.net/tikz/examples/tag/animations are very nice. I see animation runs inside the PDF file. Can these animation be made to also run on a web page if one converts the latex file using htlatex to an HTML file?
    – Nasser
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 4:44
  • 2
    »I want to draw a nuclear reactor.« Please, for safety reasons draw a picture.
    – Keks Dose
    Commented May 29, 2013 at 7:12

2 Answers 2


Just a proof of concept; the flow was created with a very thick dashed line with a particular dash pattern; the illusion of movement was obtained using a different value for dash phase in even and odd slides (thanks to Jake for this suggestion that simplyfied my initial code):




\draw[orange,double=orange!60,double distance=14pt,rounded corners] (0,0) |- (6,3) -- (6,0) -- cycle;
\draw[rounded corners,line width=8pt,dashed,blue!80!black,dash pattern={on 12pt off 6pt},dash phase=\phase] (0,0) |- (6,3) -- (6,0) -- cycle;


enter image description here

The animation was produced using ImageMagick and

convert -verbose -delay 50 -loop 0 -density 300 <file>.pdf <file>.gif

And here's now the idea incorporated to the actual code for the reactor; the idea is the same as with the example code above: a ten slide beamer document; the \thepage counter is used to alter the various elements and produce the illusion of movement one the animation is created. The flows are producing using a simple style:

flow/.style={rounded corners,line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,dashed,draw=#1,dash pattern={on 5pt off 5pt},dash phase=\thepage}

The code:

% Pressurized Water Reactor
% Author: Gloria Faccanoni <http://www.science.unitn.it/~gloria/home.htm>



flow/.style={rounded corners,line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,dashed,draw=#1,dash pattern={on 5pt off 5pt},dash phase=\thepage}

        scale=0.35,transform shape,
        annotline/.style = {stealth-},
\draw[draw=Gray,double=Gray!10,double distance=4pt]
    (12,12) to[out=135,in=45](0,12)--(0,0)--(22,0)--(22,12)--(12,12)--(12,0);
\node[text width=4cm, text centered,font=\small] at (6,13)
% legend
    \filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (1,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (3,0.5)
        {Pressurized water\\(primary loop)};
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30]
        (11,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (13,0.5)
        {Water and steam\\(secondary loop)};
    \filldraw[draw=Blue,fill=Blue!10] (21,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (23,0.5)
        {Water\\(cooling loop)};
% 2nd loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
    % vessel left
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30]
        (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
        (3.5,4.5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,4.5) -- (0,0);
    % vessel right
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30,xshift=7cm]
        (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
        (3.5,5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,5) -- (0,0);
    % circuits
    \draw[draw=blue,double=blue!40,double distance=4pt]
      (1.75,-0.3) -- ++(0,-1) -- ++(7,0) -- ++(0,1);
    \draw[draw=blue,double=Gray!30,double distance=4pt]
        (1.75,5.38) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(3,0) -- ++(0,-1.5);

    % arrows
    \draw[arrows2loop] (3.5,-1.3) -- (3,-1.3);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (1.75,-0.9) -- (1.75,-0.4);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (4.5,6.38) -- (5,6.38);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (7,7.38) -- (7.5,7.38);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,6.4) -- (8.75,5.9);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,-0.4) -- (8.75,-0.9);
    \foreach \x in {0.5,1,...,3}
        \draw[arrows2loop,xshift=7cm] (\x,3) -- (\x,2.5);
    % labels
    \draw[annotline] (2.5,-1.3) -- ++(3.5,1.3)
        node[text width=1cm,font=\small,above] {Liquid};
    \draw[annotline] (2.5,6.38) -- ++(3.5,-1.3)
        node[text width=1cm,font=\small,below] {Vapor};
    % pump
        \filldraw[fill=Blue!20,draw=Blue] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
\draw[Blue] (185+36*\thepage:0.5) -- (5+36*\thepage:0.5);
\draw[Blue] (95+36*\thepage:0.5) -- (275+36*\thepage:0.5);
\draw[flow=blue,dash phase=\thepage] 
(0.5,2) -- (0.5,1) -| (1.5,0.3) -- (1.75,-0.3) -- ++(0,-1) -- ++(7,0) -- ++(0,1);
(3,2) -- (3,1) -| (2,0.3) -- (1.75,-0.3);

    % generator ...
    \draw[xshift=6.5cm,draw=Gray,double=Gray!10,double distance=4pt] 
        (3,4) -- ++(2,0);
        (1.8,4) -- (3.0,3.3) -- (3.0,4.7) -- cycle;
        (1.5,4) -- (2.5,3.4) -- (2.5,4.6) -- cycle;
        (1.2,4) -- (2  ,3.5) -- (2  ,4.5) -- cycle;
        (4.5,3.5) rectangle (7.3,4.5);
    \coordinate[xshift=6.5cm] (alta) at (7.3,4.5);
    \coordinate[xshift=6.5cm] (altb) at (7.3,3.5);
  \draw[orange,xshift=6.5cm,yshift=-7pt+\altshift] (4.5,4.6) -- (7.3,4.6);
  \draw[orange,xshift=6.5cm,yshift=-15pt+\altshift] (4.5,4.6) -- (7.3,4.6);
  \draw[orange,xshift=6.5cm,yshift=-23pt+\altshift] (4.5,4.6) -- (7.3,4.6);
    \node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,4) 
        {Steam generator\\ (heat change)};
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (8.8,5) {Turbine};
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (12.4,4) {Alternator};
    % transmission lines
    \node (aa) at (11.1,4.6) {};
    \node (bb) at (11.6,4.6) {};
    \node (cc) at (12.1,4.6) {};
    \node (dd) at (12.6,4.6) {};
    \node (ee) at (13.1,4.6) {};
    \node (ff) at (13.6,4.6) {};

% 3 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
    % circuit
    \draw[draw=Blue,double=Blue!10,double distance=4pt]
      (1,2.5) -- ++(-8.5,0) -- ++(0,+1.5) -- ++(8.5,0);
    % labels
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-3.5,1.5)
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-6,3.25)
    % pump
        \filldraw[fill=Blue!20,draw=Blue] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
\draw[Blue] (185+36*\thepage:0.5) -- (5+36*\thepage:0.5);
\draw[Blue] (95+36*\thepage:0.5) -- (275+36*\thepage:0.5);
\draw[flow=Blue!70] (1,2.5) -- ++(-8.5,0) -- ++(0,+1.5) -- ++(8.5,0);
    % tower
    \filldraw[draw=Gray,fill=Gray!20] (1,7) to[out=270,in=80]
                  (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200]
                  (6,0) to[out=100,in=270]
    \filldraw[draw=Gray,fill=Gray!40] (1,7) to[out=30,in=150]
                  (5,7) to[out=200,in=-20]
    % labels
    \node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (3,3.5)

%1 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Reactor vessel
\filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (0,-0.5) to[out=-20,in=200]
              (3.5,-0.5) --
              (3.5,4.5) to[out=160,in=20]
              (0,4.5) --
% circuit
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt]
  (0.1,1) --  ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,-3) -- ++(5,0) -- ++(0,1.5) --
  ++(3,0) -- ++(0,2) -- ++(-3.7,0);

% Pressurizer
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt] (4.2,1.6) -- ++(0,0.8);
\filldraw[draw=Green,bottom color=red!40,top color=Green!20]
              (4,2.4) to[out=-20,in=200]
              (4.5,2.4) --
              (4.5,3.6) to[out=160,in=20]
              (3.9,3.6) --

% pump
    \filldraw (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
    \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
\draw[red] (185+36*\thepage:0.5) -- (5+36*\thepage:0.5);
\draw[red] (95+36*\thepage:0.5) -- (275+36*\thepage:0.5);
% reactor core
\filldraw[fill=red!30,draw=red] (0.7,0) rectangle (2.8,2);

% control rods
\foreach \x in {1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5}
  \draw[draw=Gray,double=Gray!50,double distance=0.5pt] (\x,0.3) -- (\x,3.7);
(0.1,1) --  ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,-3) -- ++(5,0) -- ++(0,1.5) --
  ++(3,0) -- ++(0,2) -- ++(-4,0) --  ++(0,2.5) -- ++(-0.8,0) -- ++(0,-4.3) -- 
  ++(-0.55,0) --  ++(0,4.3) -- ++(-0.55,0) --  ++(0,-4.3) -- 
  ++(-0.7,0) -- ++(0,1.3) -- ++(-0.15,0);

\draw[annotline] (0.6,0.5) -- ++(-3.3,-1.5)
    node[text width=1cm,font=\small,left] {Reactor core};
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,5.4) {Reactor vessel};
\draw[annotline] (0.9,2.8) -- ++(-3.3,1.5)
    node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,left=-8pt] {Control\\rods};
\draw[annotline] (4.2,3.7) -- ++(0.5,1.5)
    node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,above] {Pressurizer};
\draw[annotline] (3.9,1.5) -- ++(1.3,-0.6)
    node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
        {Water coolant (\unit{330}{\degreecelsius})};
\draw[annotline] (-0.1,-2) -- ++(-0.3,-0.6)
    node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
        {Water coolant (\unit{280}{\degreecelsius})};

% palo della luce
\begin{scope}[xscale=0.2,xshift=128cm,yshift=16cm,line width=1pt,Brown]
    \draw (0,0) -- (-6,-6)
          (0,0) -- ( 6,-6)
          (-1,-1) -- ( 1,-1)
          (-1,-1) -- ( 2,-2)
          ( 1,-1) -- (-2,-2)
          (-2,-2) -- ( 2,-2)
          (-2,-2) -- ( 3,-3)
          ( 2,-2) -- (-3,-3)
          ( 3,-3) -- (-3,-3)
          (-3,-3) -- ( 4,-4)
          ( 3,-3) -- (-4,-4)
          ( 4,-4) -- (-4,-4)
          (-4,-4) -- ( 5,-5)
          ( 4,-4) -- (-5,-5)
          ( 5,-5) -- (-5,-5)
          (-6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2)
          ( 6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2);
    \draw (-1.5,-1.5) -- (-4,-1.5) -- (-1,-1)
          ( 1.5,-1.5) -- ( 4,-1.5) -- ( 1,-1);
    \path (-4,-1.4) node (a) {}
          ( 4,-1.4) node (b) {};
    \path (-7.5,-3.4) node (c) {}
          ( 7.5,-3.4) node (d) {}
          (-5.5,-3.4) node (e) {}
          ( 5.5,-3.4) node (f) {};
% transmission lines (alternator-tower)
                   (alta) to[out=30,in=260] (a)
                   (altb) to[out=30,in=260] (b);

% building
\filldraw (-3.5,0) rectangle (0.6,2);
\foreach \piso in {0.1,0.5,...,1.7}
  \filldraw[\bcolor] (-3.05,\piso) rectangle (-2,\piso+0.2);
  \filldraw[\bcolor] (-1.15,\piso) rectangle (0.1,\piso+0.2);
% transmission lines (tower-building)
                   (a) to[out=185,in=-20] (-0.7,0)
                   (b) to[out=182,in=-20] (0.6,0);


enter image description here

  • 1
    @Jake great suggestion! This also allowed me to simplify the code. Thank you! Commented May 27, 2013 at 2:23
  • Thank you very much for your answer! I used your code and I saw that the pdf file has 10 slides. I supposse that's where the ImakeMagik comes... What's this? Is it a programm? I searched for it but I wasn't able to find anything... Only the ImageMaker or perhaps Imagemagick which is imagemagick.org/script/index.php
    – Thanos
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 6:33
  • 1
    @Jake Thanks! You're right about the need for more than two steps; however, I am a little tired for today with this code, so I will make the changes tomorrow. Commented May 28, 2013 at 0:28
  • 1
    @Jake I made a little change and I hope now it looks better; there's still some improvement that could be done when the animation loops, but I think I am gonna leave the code as it is now. Commented May 28, 2013 at 1:23
  • 1
    @Thanos You're welcome! I made yet another update; now the flow transition is smooth when the animation loops. Commented May 29, 2013 at 0:06

I used your question to finally try out the animate package. The "animation" is in an external file, it uses the standalone package and the markings decoration of tikz:

"Animation" code



\tikzset{reddot/.style={decoration={markings, mark=between positions #1 and 1 step 0.01 with {\fill[red] circle(0.05);}}}}

\foreach \x in {0,1,...,9}
{   \begin{tikzpicture}
        \filldraw[yellow!10,draw=yellow!50!black] (-1,-7) rectangle node[yellow!50!black] {reactor} (7,3);
        \draw[reddot=\x/1000,postaction={decorate}]  (0,0) -- (4,0) -- (6,2) -- (6,-4) arc (360:180:2) -- (0,-3) -- cycle;


Then I used this "animation" consisting of 10 single pages in a PDF file (anim.pdf) to put it in the real document:

Document code




        \caption{reactor cycle}




(this is a picture created with ImageMagick, as one can't upload PDFs)

enter image description here

Edit 1: Editing the given code is quite easy, I did it for loop 1, the reactor loop. The path to be animated is labeled circuit. All I did was:

  • copy the circuit code, to use it once for the pipes and once for the flow (one could also use just one and add the flow as a postaction)
  • add a little rounded corners to make it look nicer
  • comment out all the arrows
  • I decided to use 10 pictures, so I added a foreach loop outside the picture
  • changed class to standalone
  • got rid of the capitalized colors (e.g. Green) as I got a package option clash for xcolor
  • replaced SIunits with siunitx
  • used textcomp for Celsius symbol (one could also use e.g. \SI{42}{\celsius})
  • used Jake's suggestion

The dash pattern I used is 6pt long (4pt on + 2pt off), so I set the dash phase to \x/10*6pt. This way the dashes will be shifted 0%,10%,...,90% of one cycle letting the animation be smooth.

"Animation" code

% Pressurized Water Reactor
% Author: Gloria Faccanoni <http://www.science.unitn.it/~gloria/home.htm>

\foreach \x in {0,...,9}
        annotline/.style = {stealth-},
\draw[draw=gray,double=gray!10,double distance=4pt]
    (12,12) to[out=135,in=45](0,12)--(0,0)--(22,0)--(22,12)--(12,12)--(12,0);
\node[text width=4cm, text centered,font=\small] at (6,13)
% legend
    \filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (1,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (3,0.5)
        {Pressurized water\\(primary loop)};
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=gray!30]
        (11,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (13,0.5)
        {Water and steam\\(secondary loop)};
    \filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!10] (21,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
    \node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (23,0.5)
        {Water\\(cooling loop)};
% 2nd loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
    % vessel left
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=gray!30]
        (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
        (3.5,4.5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,4.5) -- (0,0);
    % vessel right
    \filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=gray!30,xshift=7cm]
        (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
        (3.5,5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,5) -- (0,0);
    % circuits
    \draw[draw=blue,double=blue!40,double distance=4pt]
      (1.75,-0.3) -- ++(0,-1) -- ++(7,0) -- ++(0,1);
    \draw[draw=blue,double=gray!30,double distance=4pt]
        (1.75,5.38) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(3,0) -- ++(0,-1.5);
    % arrows
    \draw[arrows2loop] (3.5,-1.3) -- (3,-1.3);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (1.75,-0.9) -- (1.75,-0.4);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (4.5,6.38) -- (5,6.38);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (7,7.38) -- (7.5,7.38);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,6.4) -- (8.75,5.9);
    \draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,-0.4) -- (8.75,-0.9);
    \foreach \x in {0.5,1,...,3}
        \draw[arrows2loop,xshift=7cm] (\x,3) -- (\x,2.5);
    % labels
    \draw[annotline] (2.5,-1.3) -- ++(3.5,1.3)
        node[text width=1cm,font=\small,above] {Liquid};
    \draw[annotline] (2.5,6.38) -- ++(3.5,-1.3)
        node[text width=1cm,font=\small,below] {Vapor};
    % pump
        \filldraw[fill=blue!20,draw=blue] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
    % generator ...
    \draw[xshift=6.5cm,draw=gray,double=gray!10,double distance=4pt] 
        (3,4) -- ++(2,0);
        (1.8,4) -- (3.0,3.3) -- (3.0,4.7) -- cycle;
        (1.5,4) -- (2.5,3.4) -- (2.5,4.6) -- cycle;
        (1.2,4) -- (2  ,3.5) -- (2  ,4.5) -- cycle;
        (4.5,3.3) rectangle (7.3,4.7);
    \node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,4) 
        {Steam generator\\ (heat change)};
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (8.8,5) {Turbine};
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (12.4,4) {Alternator};
    % transmission lines
    \node (aa) at (11.1,4.6) {};
    \node (bb) at (11.6,4.6) {};
    \node (cc) at (12.1,4.6) {};
    \node (dd) at (12.6,4.6) {};
    \node (ee) at (13.1,4.6) {};
    \node (ff) at (13.6,4.6) {};

% 3 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
    % circuit
    \draw[draw=blue,double=blue!10,double distance=4pt]
      (1,2.5) -- ++(-8.5,0) -- ++(0,+1.5) -- ++(8.5,0);
    % arrows
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-5.5,2.5) -- (-6,2.5);
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-1.5,2.5) -- (-2,2.5);
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-6,4) -- (-5.5,4);
    \draw[arrows3loop] (-2,4) -- (-1.5,4);
    % tower
    \filldraw[draw=gray,fill=gray!20] (1,7) to[out=270,in=80]
                  (0,0) to[out=-20,in=200]
                  (6,0) to[out=100,in=270]
    \filldraw[draw=gray,fill=gray!40] (1,7) to[out=30,in=150]
                  (5,7) to[out=200,in=-20]
    % labels
    \node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (3,3.5)
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-3.5,1.5)
    \node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-6,3.25)
    % pump
        \filldraw[fill=purple!20,draw=purple] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
            (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
%1 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Reactor vessel
\filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (0,-0.5) to[out=-20,in=200]
              (3.5,-0.5) --
              (3.5,4.5) to[out=160,in=20]
              (0,4.5) --
% === circuit =========
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt,rounded corners=2pt]
  (0.1,1) --  ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,-3) -- ++(5,0) -- ++(0,1.5) --
  ++(3,0) -- ++(0,2) -- ++(-3.7,0);

\draw [line width=2pt, dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt,dash phase=\x/10*6pt,red!80,rounded corners=2pt] (0.1,1) --  ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,-3) -- ++(5,0) -- ++(0,1.5) --   ++(3,0) -- ++(0,2) -- ++(-3.7,0);
% === =========
% Pressurizer
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt] (4.2,1.6) -- ++(0,0.8);
\filldraw[draw=green,bottom color=red!40,top color=green!20]
              (4,2.4) to[out=-20,in=200]
              (4.5,2.4) --
              (4.5,3.6) to[out=160,in=20]
              (3.9,3.6) --
% === arrows =========
%\draw[arrows1loop] (-0.7,1) -- (-0.2,1);
%\draw[arrows1loop] (-0.9,-0.5) -- (-0.9,0);
%\draw[arrows1loop] (0.7,-2) -- (0.2,-2);
%\draw[arrows1loop] (4.5,1.5) -- (5,1.5);
%\draw[arrows1loop] (7.1,0.5) -- (7.1,0);
%\draw[arrows1loop] (5.5,-0.5) -- (5,-0.5);
% === =========

% pump
    \filldraw (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
    \node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
    \filldraw[yshift=-0.5cm] (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
        (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
        (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
        (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm)  arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
% reactor core
\filldraw[fill=red!30,draw=red] (0.7,0) rectangle (2.8,2);

% control rods
\foreach \x in {1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5}
  \draw[draw=gray,double=gray!50,double distance=0.5pt] (\x,0.3) -- (\x,3.7);

\draw[annotline] (0.6,0.5) -- ++(-3.3,-1.5)
    node[text width=1cm,font=\small,left] {Reactor core};
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,5.4) {Reactor vessel};
\draw[annotline] (0.9,2.8) -- ++(-3.3,1.5)
    node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,left=-8pt] {Control\\rods};
\draw[annotline] (4.2,3.7) -- ++(0.5,1.5)
    node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,above] {Pressurizer};
\draw[annotline] (3.9,1.5) -- ++(1.3,-0.6)
    node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
        {Water coolant (\num{330}{\textdegree})};
\draw[annotline] (-0.1,-2) -- ++(-0.3,-0.6)
    node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
        {Water coolant (\num{280}{\textdegree})};
% clouds ----------------------------------
\begin{scope}[xshift=26cm,yshift=10cm, fill=blue!10, draw=blue,
    decoration={bumps,segment length=0.5cm}]
        (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
        ++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
        (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
        ++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
        (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
        ++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
    \node[text width=1cm, text centered,font=\small] at (0.2,1.5) {Water vapor};

% palo della luce
\begin{scope}[xscale=0.2,xshift=113cm,yshift=19cm,line width=1pt,brown]
    \draw (0,0) -- (-6,-6)
          (0,0) -- ( 6,-6)
          (-1,-1) -- ( 1,-1)
          (-1,-1) -- ( 2,-2)
          ( 1,-1) -- (-2,-2)
          (-2,-2) -- ( 2,-2)
          (-2,-2) -- ( 3,-3)
          ( 2,-2) -- (-3,-3)
          ( 3,-3) -- (-3,-3)
          (-3,-3) -- ( 4,-4)
          ( 3,-3) -- (-4,-4)
          ( 4,-4) -- (-4,-4)
          (-4,-4) -- ( 5,-5)
          ( 4,-4) -- (-5,-5)
          ( 5,-5) -- (-5,-5)
          (-6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2)
          ( 6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2);
    \draw (-1.5,-1.5) -- (-4,-1.5) -- (-1,-1)
          ( 1.5,-1.5) -- ( 4,-1.5) -- ( 1,-1);
    \path (-4,-1.4) node (a) {}
          ( 4,-1.4) node (b) {};
    \draw[line width=1pt,brown] (-3.5,-3.5) -- (-7.5,-3.5) -- (-3,-3)
                                ( 3.5,-3.5) -- ( 7.5,-3.5) -- ( 3,-3);
    \path (-7.5,-3.4) node (c) {}
          ( 7.5,-3.4) node (d) {}
          (-5.5,-3.4) node (e) {}
          ( 5.5,-3.4) node (f) {};
% transmission lines
\draw[dashed,gray] (c) -- (aa)
                   (a) -- (bb)
                   (e) -- (cc)
                   (b) -- (dd)
                   (f) -- (ee)
                   (d) -- (ff);


Document Code




        \caption{reactor cycle}



(again created with ImageMagick)

enter image description here

  • 2
    As an alternative to using the decorations library for drawing lots of circles, you can also use a dash pattern with an on length of 0pt together with line cap=round (see Dotted lines in TikZ with round dots). That's much faster.
    – Jake
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 2:13
  • 1
    @Jake: That's a very good suggestion, as it will also work for rectacles, like in the OP's example. I'll try it out tomorrow. Commented May 27, 2013 at 2:19

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