I'm using pgfkeys, and a fairly adventurous syntax in which the values for some keys contain additional key/value pairs. (For instance, the value of the nodes key is a list of pairs, and the second component of each pair is a key-value list.)

I get a compilation error whenever I put anything too fancy into the label key. The code below works fine as-is, but if I replace 2+2 with 2+\sqrt{2}, it breaks. I think it's a macro-expansion problem. How can I arrange it that the contents of the label key does not get expanded until it needs to be?




  % The following two lines are from:
  % http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/85637/86
  execute style/.style = {#1},
  execute macro/.style = {execute style/.expand once=#1},
  left/.code=            {\xdef\wickerson@left{#1}},
  top/.code=             {\xdef\wickerson@top{#1}},
  label/.code=           {\gdef\wickerson@label{#1}},
  nodes/.code=           {\xdef\wickerson@nodes{#1}},
  colour/.code=          {\xdef\wickerson@colour{#1}},

  \node[text=\wickerson@colour] at (0,0) {My Diagram...};
  \foreach \i/\values in \wickerson@nodes {
      execute macro=\values}
      at (\wickerson@left, \wickerson@top) 



  colour=red, %
    a/{left=0,top=10,label={$2+2$}}, %
    b/{left=15,top=10,label={$\log 4$}}%



enter image description here

  • 1
    You can add \noexpand before the \sqrt, but I guess that's not the solution you're looking for.
    – Jake
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 12:48
  • 1
    In the MWE you neither need global assignments nor expanded ones. In each of the keys a simple \def should suffice. Then there also won't be an error with $2+\srqt{2}$
    – cgnieder
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 15:47
  • 3
    @cgnieder This is probably an answer. Also, with eTeX, \edef\foo{\unexpanded{#1}} is slightly better than \def\foo{#1}, because it will correctly escape macro parameter characters # that are given inside the key, for even wilder labels. Commented May 27, 2013 at 15:51
  • 1
    The specific problem is that nodes is expanded, not label.
    – Ryan Reich
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 16:20
  • 1
    @percusse Oh. Hm. I thought the whole point of the directory structure in pgfkeys was so that you could use existing names like label for your keys! Commented May 27, 2013 at 17:19

2 Answers 2


Just to confirm that cgnieder's comment and Ryan Reich's explanation were right on target. I have managed to fix my code and understand the problem too. Thanks folks!



  % The following two lines are from:
  % https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/85637/86
  execute style/.style = {#1},
  execute macro/.style = {execute style/.expand once=#1},
  left/.code=            {\def\wickerson@left{#1}},
  top/.code=             {\def\wickerson@top{#1}},
  label/.code=           {\def\wickerson@label{#1}},
  nodes/.code=           {\def\wickerson@nodes{#1}},
  colour/.code=          {\def\wickerson@colour{#1}},

  \node[text=\wickerson@colour] at (0,0) {My Diagram...};
  \foreach \i/\values in \wickerson@nodes {
      execute macro=\values}
      at (\wickerson@left, \wickerson@top) 



  colour=red, %
    a/{left=0,top=10,label={$\sqrt{2}+2$}}, %
    b/{left=15,top=10,label={$\log 4$}}%

  • What are \i, a, b doing in your scheme? Also, the key execute style seems redundant.
    – Ahmed Musa
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 23:22
  • @Ahmed if I may answer for John: I expect that a and b (as stored in \i) are intended to be used as node names eventually. As for execute style, it is necessary to have a key to "hang" the .expand once handler on, since the result of a handler is always passed up to the parent key.
    – Ryan Reich
    Commented May 28, 2013 at 4:07
  • @RyanReich: What of execute macro/.expand once=#1?
    – Ahmed Musa
    Commented May 29, 2013 at 17:43

Here is a solution with skeyval package.

  .holder prefix=wic@,
  .define keys={%
    .zcmd/title colour/black,
        \node[text=\wic@titlecolour] at (0,0) {My Diagram ...};
        \newforeach [expand list once] \x in \tempa {%
          % Use the parameter rep of \x:
          \node[shape=circle,draw=\wic@colour] at (\wic@left,\wic@top){\wic@label};
  % Allow 'color' to be a clone of 'colour':
    .set keys={nodes,left,top,label,colour,title colour},
    .set keys={#1}
  title colour=green,
    {color=blue,left=15,top=10,label={$\log 4$}}

Note: I don't have the jpeg, png, tiff, gif or bmp format of output that this site is insisting on.

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