I'm writing a paper about classes of formal languages, and I'd like to have a diagram showing their heirarchy.
Something similar to this (from Wikipedia:)
Is there a LaTeX package which, I can give the relationship between the classes to, and have automatically generate and lay-out a venn-diagram for me?
The idea is that I would give it the list of classes, and some relations between them, i.e. which were contained in each other, which were disjoint, which were incomparable but not disjoint. Containment is assumed to be transitive (i.e. if A is in B, B is in C, then A is in C).
Is there a way to do this programatically, or a package to do it automatically? The idea is that I'm continually adding new classes to the diagram, and would love if it would automatically update itself every time I discovered a new relation.
library handy -- given a set of points, you can tell TikZ to draw a shape that encompasses all of them.