Recently I asked this question: Dashed left arrow over symbol
I needed to know how to put an dashed left arrow over a symbol. I received two answers, one of them used Tikz for this, other use pure LaTeX solution. I had problems with the Tikz-created arrow, so I went with the LaTeX solution. Solution worked great.
However, now I need to create the same arrow, only directing to the right.
I tried to modify (by trial and error) the code that I was provided by user mapf. But because I do not have good grip on what the commands mean, I am getting wierd results.
I managed to: 1) import dashed right arrow symbol from MnSymbol (symbol \dashedrightarrow, 96) 2) Define command \dashedrightarrowtip
I failed to: 1) Define command \odrafill.
I tried different ways, but the arrows were not aligned and the dashes did not appear correctly.
I added a picture that shows my "testing". I added text to the pictures to describe what are my expectations.
Here is the code I am using:
% =============================================
%Import symbol "\dashedleftarrow" from font MnSymbol without importing the whole package
% =============================================
\DeclareFontFamily{U} {MnSymbolA}{}
<-6> MnSymbolA5
<6-7> MnSymbolA6
<7-8> MnSymbolA7
<8-9> MnSymbolA8
<9-10> MnSymbolA9
<10-12> MnSymbolA10
<12-> MnSymbolA12}{}
<-6> MnSymbolA-Bold5
<6-7> MnSymbolA-Bold6
<7-8> MnSymbolA-Bold7
<8-9> MnSymbolA-Bold8
<9-10> MnSymbolA-Bold9
<10-12> MnSymbolA-Bold10
<12-> MnSymbolA-Bold12}{}
\DeclareSymbolFont{MnSyA} {U} {MnSymbolA}{m}{n}
% =============================================
% How to make dashed left arrow over symbol:
% =============================================
\vbox {\m@th\ialign{##\crcr
\odlafill \crcr
\vbox {\m@th\ialign{##\crcr
\odrafill \crcr
%% fill with (short) minus signs
% $\m@th\mkern0mu\dashedleftarrowtip\cleaders\hbox{$\mkern4mu\shortbar\mkern-3mu$}\hfill$}
%% fill with find (short) minus signs
%Test 1
%Test 2
%Test 3
%% put 5pt space above and 1pt below the tip
%% put 5pt space above and 1pt below the tip
%% make the minus shorter to fit \dashedleftarrow
% \smash{\scalebox{1}[1.0]{$-$}}}
% =============================================
Arrow over G should fit nicely into the brackets:
$\left[\toleft{\Gg}\right] = \left[ \topreleft{\Gg} \right].$
Dashed right arrow and left arrow should be of the same length:
Left and right arrow are misaligned:
Just for comparison:
Both dashed arrows should be of the same length and align: