This code works correctly:
every picture/.prefix style={
execute at begin picture=\shorthandoff{;}
\def\names{{"1", "2"}}
\foreach \i in {0,1} {%
\node (\i) [draw] {\pgfmathparse{\names[\i]}\pgfmathresult};
\node (\i) [draw,right= 1cm of \pgfmathresult]
\draw[dotted] ($(\pgfmathresult.south east) !.5! (\i.south west)$)
-- +(0,1cm);
But when I add
to the preamble, it starts giving an error:
! Argument of \language@active@arg" has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.25 }
the same for russian. It is somehow related to the quotes in the array:
\def\names{{"1", "2"}}
I tried the tricks, shown here for the french, but they don't work.