Problem: In the final pdf document I get greek letters "k. sun." instead of "et al." when citing articles, for instance "Garris k. sun". instead of "Garris et al". This refers to the text corpus, not the bibliography. The bibliography at the end of the document is fine.
I am using an identical preamble to a colleague of mine with the difference that I use \usepackage[english,greek]{babel}
because I need greek letters in my document. But I don't know what it has to do with the bibliography.
I need to cite in APA style. For citing I use the \citep
\geometry{a4paper, margin=1.6in}
Here an example from the bibliography:
title={Games, motivation, and learning: A research and practice model},
author={Garris, R. and Ahlers, R. and Driskell, J.E.},
journal={Simulation \& gaming},
publisher={Sage Publications}
Here the result:
in math mode. Can you add an example of how you use Greek for getting a rho?\textgreek{r}