I would like to make footnotes inside a minipage that use the global footnote counters and the hyperref package.

I'm having trouble getting hyperref to make the correct references. I imagine I need to change the Hfootnote counter but I haven't had any luck with that and I'm not sure exactly what's going on. I tried adding a \addtocounter{Hfootnote}{-1} and \stepcounter{Hfootnote} but that didn't help.

Below is a minimal example.

\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{Before minipage} \ldots\par
    A footnote to use global footnotes.\footnotemark
    A second global footnote.\footnotemark
\footnotetext{First global footnote inside minipage}
\footnotetext{Second global footnote inside minipage}
\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{After minipage} \ldots\par

Clicking on the first footnote inside the minipage does not yeild the expected result.


2 Answers 2


I finally figured it out! The short answer is that Hyperref sucks at footnotes.

Thanks to Gonzalo Medina's answer to a similar question I was able to adapt a workaround. I'm new to tex.stackechange so if I can give any more credit to Medina please let me know how.

Below is the working example.

\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{Before minipage} \ldots\par
    A footnote to use global footnotes.\footnotemark\global\let\saved@Href@A\Hy@footnote@currentHref
    A second global footnote.\footnotemark\global\let\saved@Href@B\Hy@footnote@currentHref
\footnotetext{First global footnote inside minipage}
\footnotetext{Second global footnote inside minipage}
\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{After minipage} \ldots\par 
  • 1
    This response seems a bit cryptic. Is there a package that makes this easier?
    – skpblack
    Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 21:47
  • Unfortunately no. The linked answer provides a better explanation, but the short answer is hyperref wasn't designed to work on footnotes.
    – GDanger
    Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 1:16
  • i tried tablefootnote but it works only into a table (or sidewaystable) environment and no in minipage or \fbox{}.
    – skpblack
    Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 1:48
  • The above example works with minipage. I'm not sure what you are trying to do, perhaps you should open your own question, then I would be glad to help if I can.
    – GDanger
    Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 5:01
  • Adding comments using % symbols to your MWE would have helped to make this answer a whole lot less cryptic.
    – sesodesa
    Commented May 17, 2019 at 11:30

I think I found a cleaner solution for this, but I had to use mdframed instead of fbox + minipage, as fbox makes the footnotes disappear for some reason.


% Make mdframed pushes all footnotes to the end of the page
% Fix \footnotetext inside boxes causing numbers to disappear at the end of the page

\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{Before minipage} \ldots\par

A footnote to use global footnotes.\footnotemark
\footnotetext{First global footnote inside minipage}
A second global footnote.\footnotemark
\footnotetext{Second global footnote inside minipage}

\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{After minipage} \ldots\par

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