I would like to make footnotes inside a minipage that use the global footnote counters and the hyperref package.
I'm having trouble getting hyperref to make the correct references. I imagine I need to change the Hfootnote counter but I haven't had any luck with that and I'm not sure exactly what's going on. I tried adding a \addtocounter{Hfootnote}{-1} and \stepcounter{Hfootnote} but that didn't help.
Below is a minimal example.
\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{Before minipage} \ldots\par
A footnote to use global footnotes.\footnotemark
A second global footnote.\footnotemark
\footnotetext{First global footnote inside minipage}
\footnotetext{Second global footnote inside minipage}
\noindent\ldots{} main text\footnote{After minipage} \ldots\par
Clicking on the first footnote inside the minipage does not yeild the expected result.