Perhaps this is overkill. Some time ago I was looking for something simular. I wrote a small script that was able to show small quotes to introduce a chapter in a book I am writing. The code:
\node[text width=12cm,anchor=center] (Q) at (0,0) {\Large\textit{#1}};
\node[gray,anchor=north east] (Ql) at (Q.north west) {\Huge\textbf{``}};
\node[gray,anchor=north west] (Qr) at (Q.south east) {\Huge\textbf{''}};
\node[black!80,anchor=north east] (Qa) at (Qr.north west) {\small - #2};
You will need the to use tikz package
. As an example:
\chapterquote{To be, or not to be}{William Shakespeare}
This produces something like:
Feel free to experiment with this custom command. You can for instance modify the color and size.